9 The Adventure Beyond the Fractional Station Platform

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Dust. That is what covers the window railing in the room Mum is renting above the Leaky Cauldron. I slide my finger side to side, watching it grow darker and darker with the amount of dust covering it.

We arrived in London just over an hour and a half ago. Mum sent a text message to Dad, and like I promised, I sent my first letter off with Piccolo to James. I do hope Picc will be alright with the long trip, the poor little bugger!

Mum's in the process of both unpacking and cleaning the small apartment of which she will live in for the majority of the year. We decided to stay here because it's fairly close, well I assume, to Hogwarts and Diagon Alley, in case I need more parchment of school supplies.

Mum's got a lot of work to do. The whole apartment is dark, murky and musty, with an area for a queen sized bed, tiny bathroom, kitchen and dining area and a few small couches and a coffee table in the far corner, where all our luggage is dumped carelessly.

Out the stained" brown window I am casually leaning against, I get an excellent skyline of London. If I look far enough, I can just make out the London Eye - The world's biggest Ferris Wheel! To my right I can make out King's Cross Station, where I will be heading to in a few days time! How exciting! I feel giddy just thinking about it! Pedestrians travel past, walking with purpose, few being wizards and walking inside The Leaky Cauldron underneath me. Cars flash by and I hear the hooting and tooting of trains in the distance.

I manage to hear Mum calling my name over the roaring of the magical vacuum cleaner she was trying to operate but was failing miserably. I rush over to help her, my only thoughts of what's to come in two days time.


I was running. Faster and faster. I didn't stop to look behind me. I knew it was on my tail. I just continued sprinting until I found a nearby building. I hid behind it, my curiosity wanting a glimpse of what the creature was. I poke my head out and see...

A ginormous vanilla cake with pink icing chasing me!

"Oh no!" I said to myself, "Not again!"

Too horrorstruck to move, I begin to look deeply at the cake. I noticed it looked familiar. Then I realised,

It had Jasmine's eyes.

"AAARGH!" I yell, waking with a start. I began panting, trying to catch my breath. It was just a dream. Just a bad dream.

I look around at the calendar to see Mum changing it from August to September.

Holy Christmas nuts! Today is September the First!

I jump out of bed, only to smack into my trunk and fall over it. I curse silently at my misfortune. First the Jasmine cake dream and now this! I hope my day doesn't go the same way!

"'Mornin' Mum!" I say to Mum in mixed tones.

"Good morning Elizabeth!" Mum replies, her face a wide grin, "Have a good sleep?"

"Eh," I shrug my shoulders, "Good enough." Partly true.

"I suppose you are nervous about today, so I made you this for breakfast."

I see Mum motions to a toast with Vegemite and butter - like 80% butter and 20% Vegemite, the way I like it, as I don't really like the taste of Vegemite on its own. It's too strong!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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