2 The Phone

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Even with my bedroom door closed I can still hear the sound of Dad washing the breakfast plates. Mum left a few minutes ago to buy ingredients for the surprise dinner she has planned. Surprise dinner! Probably nothing more than the Sunday night usual: steak and three veg.

I'm upstairs in my room right now finishing my Maths homework. I like my room. It's larger than my brother's and my bed against the trendy purple wall that I chose last year. My inbuilt wardrobe is opposite that, the same colour as the rest as the house. When you walk in, the first thing you see is my crisp, white desk. It is by far my most favourite piece of furniture in my room. With its various drawers that contain all my stationary, comfy blue swivel chair and purple pinboard above in an alcove, it is all I could ever ask for.

I play my new Taylor Swift album softly in the background so I can get stuck into the Maths task. I roughly jot down my name and the date. The first page reads:

St. Mary's Primary School
Year 5A Maths Homework Sheet

1. Answer the following problems with working out.

A) Lachlan had a shoebox with the dimensions 25cm by 6cm by 9cm. What is its volume?

B) How many marbles does Kate have if her mum bought her 16, her cousin gave her 2, as a present she received 167 but she gave 10 to each of her 3 friends?

C) William ate 65 apples each week. Suzi ate 12 less. Grace ate William and Suzi's amount combined. How many did they all eat together?

"Ok. The first one's not that complicated." Speaking out loud helps me to concentrate. "All I have to do is multiply 25cm by 6cm and then by 9cm, which will give me the answer of..." I scribble the algorithm in the allocated area and work it out. "...1,350 cubic centemetres!"

I had barely written a sentence that contains the answer on my sheet when I heard a soft ring coming from downstairs. Jasmine! I scream at the top of my lungs so that Dad can hear me "I'LL GET IT!" and storm out of my room, not bothering to turn off the music. I sprint down the corridor and turn right into the staircase. It is there I approach James. He has a smug look on his face. I look down at his hands an notice a rectangular object wrapped tightly in his palms. I realize the phone is ringing loader and is almost near the end of its ring. Oh God! What now! In times like this I really dislike my brother.

"What's the magic word?"

Fed up with my brother, I attempt to reach out and snatch the phone off him. I stretch out my hand and say "please" in my most cruelest voice when, all of a sudden, the telephone comes whizzing into my hand! I take a split second to process what happened. James displays a shocked and confused face as well. Then it occurs to me that the phone's on its last ring! I quickly press the green telephone button and run back to my room, without another word to my brother.

Hey munchkins!

Sorry guys for the shorter chapter. Don't worry though, the next chapter will be longer and have more drama (!).

Hope you are enjoying Lizzy's story so far, I have big ideas for it!

Don't forget to vote and recommend it with your friends!


|EDITED| P.S. The drawing is mine. (^v^)

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