8 Leaving the Muggle World

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"C'mon kids! We're gonna be late if we're not out of the house now!" Mum yells from downstairs.

"Coming Mum!" I cry back in response.

I shove my pencil case into my navy blue school bag and look around my bedroom to see if I've forgotten anything. My reading book!

I pick up "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" from the floor (James rummaged through my room last night) and place it on my desk for the time being. I then reach over to the large trunk opposite my bed with my initials "E.B" and scan it's contents until I find the book I am looking for, Hogwarts, A History. I drop the book into my school bag and then I walk out my bedroom door hearing soft owl hoots that wish me a good last day.


Mrs. Aikenhead scowls at me as she hands back my assessment paper.

"Terrible performance, Miss Banks. A bit like you." A sly smile forms upon her crackled lips, apparent that she is savouring the moment while it lasts, because it won't last long.

I open my mouth and breathe, so quietly that the old rat won't hear me, "Obviously you haven't seen yourself in the mirror."

"What was that, young lady?" Mrs. Aikenhead shrieks.

The whole class had by now, looked up from their own assessments and turned to face the drama was erupting. I feel my cheeks grow slightly warm but they freeze when I see the soul-snapping stare Mrs. Aikenhead was giving me.

I pull the innocent card.

"Nothing miss,"

"Don't lie to me you arrogant child! You don't see your fellow classmates talk back to me, do you Elizabeth?" At the mention of what my class would do, my whole face turned a shade of red that would give Professor Longbottom's robes a run for their money.

I decide to back down.

"No Mrs. Aikenhead." I say dully.

"It may be your last day here at St. Mary's, Elizabeth Banks, but that does not, by any circumstances, give you the right to speak such foul mouthedness to a teacher. Miss Parker left a few days ago and did you hear her say bad things to me?"

"No miss," Mrs. Aikenhead doesn't know what she says behind her back though, I tell myself. What the perfect little angel Jasmine says about the troll. My conscience tells me she'd explode if she did know.

Mrs. Alikenhead opens her scaly mouth, one would assume, to continue lecturing me when the final bell blasts through the intercom, screeching and wailing for us to get out.

In union, the whole of 5A - myself included - stand up and race to our bags, shove in all our belongings and race out the classroom door without second thought.

I'm a metre away from the door.

"Wait Year 5! Wait!" Cries Mrs. Aikenhead, "Don't leave! I haven't dismissed you yet!"

Half a metre.

"Elizabeth Banks! You come back here right now!" Shrieks Mrs. Alikenhead as she paces for me. I continue to the door.

Three steps.

"Elizabeth! I'm warning you!"

Two steps.


One step.

"Sorry Miss," I say cheekily, "I don't see any of my other classmates staying back, do you?"

Elizabeth Banks and the Unexpected Letter (Harry Potter Next Gen Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now