7 The Trip to Diagon Alley

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No matter how many times Professor Longbottom's voice in my head told me to "not get too worked up on this new information", I couldn't help but toss and turn in bed, processing my thoughts. It seemed so unreal that I was a witch, that I possessed magical abilities. I couldn't deny the fact that a tiny little voice inside my head kept telling me that I wasn't a witch, how could I be, and if I was, then how come Jasmine never turned into a big, old, warty toad each time she threatened me? I tried to keep those negative - yet possibly realistic - thoughts out of my head.

Giving up on the attempt to get some sleep anytime soon, I get out of bed and creep towards my school bag. I fiddle around until I have found what I am looking for. Once I have, I tiptoe silently towards my desk and turn on the lamp. I then open up to the chapter in the book I'm up to, Chapter 5, Diagon Alley.

I thought it would be a good idea that I read up about where I'm going tomorrow, so I at least have a teeny-weeny idea about what I'm in for.

I don't stop reading until I've reached the end of the chapter, satisfied. For 1, it was a really enjoyable chapter and 2, it gave me plenty of information.

Suddenly, I hear a noise approaching my bedroom door. In a split second, I've turned off the lamp and have scrambled into my bed, pretending to be fast asleep. Fortunately, it seems to work. Slowly, my eyes close and I'm slowly drifting off to sleep.


I awake to the sound of silence. Strange. Usually James would be jumping on top of me and my alarm would be going off. I check the time: 9:00! No wonder, school started 10 minutes ago! I'm probably, no defiantly going to be away today.... to shop at a wizarding shopping centre!

Excitement floods through my body. No school, no Mrs Aikenhead, and definitely, no Jasmine for a whole day! (How can she be magical anyway?) Plus, I get to spend my day with Professor Longbottom, who will - hopefully - familiarize me with all things magical - that I don't already know of course! Thanks"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"!

With a hop, skip, and a jump, I go downstairs to the kitchen in a very happy mood.

"Someone's happy!" Mum says to me with a grin.

"I sure am! Can you believe it Mum? I'm going to Diagon Alley! I'm a witch! I'm going to Hogwarts!!!" I start squealing and jumping around like a little girl. Once I've calmed down, Mum pulls me in a tight embrace and whispers,

"I think you should have some breakfast now." I pull away, look at her and say,

"Remember what Professor Longbottom said Mum? "Don't have too much to eat for breakfast." So don't go and give me a buffet, just so-" Mum waves her hand, motioning for me to be quiet.

"Don't worry," she said knowingly. "I didn't prepare too much. Just sit down at the table and eat. It's going to be a long and exciting day for you, Miss Magic." With hesitation, I sit down and brace myself for the feast I'm about to have. I close my eyes preparing for the worst. I hear the"Clink!" of the plate Mum placed in front of me as it touches the wooden table-top.

When I reopen my eyes, I'm taken aback to see just a toast with Nutella and some yoghurt and fruit on my plate. I mange to voice out my thanks to my mother and begin to tuck in.

"If I remember correctly, there's and ice cream parlor there in Diagon Alley. And most likely you'll have some of that so I decided to give you a more healthy breakfast." Mum says to me once I've finished the meal.

"Yeah," I begin, resting against the island bench. "I read about that in the book you gave me. I read the chapter on Diagon Alley so I know what I'm in for." Mum suddenly stops what she's doing and gasps when she sees the time.

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