Chapter 10

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Your POV:

An elven horn blared and I ran through the city to stop me father. He walked forward to where I stood. "You will go no further. You will not turn away. Not this time Ada."

"Get out of my way." I gasped at his harsh tone.

"The Dwarves will be slaughtered."

"Yes, they will die, today, tomorrow, one year hence, a hundred years from now. What does it matter, they are mortal."

At his words I drew my bow and aimed at his face. "You think your life is worth more than theirs when there  is no love in it. There is no love in you." He drew his sword and slashed my bow in half before pointing the blade at my throat.

"What do you know of love. Nothing. What you feel for that Dwarf is not real. You think it is love? Are you ready to die for it." A blade shoved away Ada's and a voice spoke in Elvish "If you harm her you will have to kill me." I looked over to see Legolas with Tauriel behind him. He turned away from Ada  and said to me "I will go with you." I turned and walked ahead of him towards Ravenhill. 

I watched as large screeching birds circled around the peek "No." I muttered before one came up behind us and Legolas jumped grabbing onto it and letting it carry him. I looked up and saw the figure of Kili fighting three Orcs at a time. "Kili."

Running through the fortress I heard the sounds of blades clashing at the very top. I fought my way further in. "KILI" I shouted and heard more sounds of fighting. "KILI" I shouted again this time getting a reply "(Y/N)!"

I turned around to see the Orc Bolg charging at me. It pushed me into the steps causing me to let out a cry of pain. I got back up and began slashing at it and dodging it's attacks. It punched me hard but I caught it but it brought it's other hand down on my head.

It grabbed my throat and held me above the ground while I screamed and struggled for breath. I kicked it causing it to drop me then I sent a punch at his face but he caught it and swung me into a wall dropping me on the floor. I lay there while it drew it's large stone club and walked closer. But just as it raised the weapon a battle cry was heard and Kili jumped from the level above onto it's back pushing a dagger into it's shoulder. He and the Orc wrestled until Bolg threw Kili over his head and onto the steps ahead. Kili quickly jumped up and leaped forward sending another blow that was blocked by the Orcs sword. They continued to slash at each other blocking all of the hits sent their way.

Suddenly Bolg had Kili in his grip weapon raised to kill so I jumped forward onto it's back grabbing it's sword and pulling it out of it's hand. I raised the weapon and stabbed it through Bolg causing him to slump to the ground.

I stood up quickly and helped killing up. "Is Dwalin, Fili and Thorin alive?" I asked worry laced through my voice.

"I think so." I nodded before he smashed his lips into mine wrapping his arms around my waist while I tangled mine in his hair. After a minute we pulled apart gasping for breath "I love you Kili." He smiled and held me close to him as if he never wanted to let go.

Omg to write this I had to watch the scene 😭 and I forgot to pause it when it got to Kili's death so now imma sit here and cry for an hour. On a better note I hope you all enjoy, next chapter will be posted tomorrow.

The Battle of Five Armies (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now