Chapter 1 | Chemistry

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Marinette's alarm was probably the loudest thing she has ever experienced. Her hand lazily grasped for the button to stop the assault that continued on her ears, her eyes groggily opening as she failed several times. She turned and look at her alarm with a look of contempt before slamming her hand on the off button.

Signing, she looked up at her roof, her eyes finally starting to adjust to the light of the day. The hatch to her balcony was closed but gave her a view of the sunny Parisian weather. It was mid-October, but that didn't stop the heat as it was uncharacteristically warm the past couple days and seemed like it was going to persist into the rest of the week.

She groaned and sat up before sluggishly moving her legs to the side of her bed, stretching and yawning.

"Morning Marinette" she heard Tikki yawn out at her before floating up and flying over to her. Marinette smiled at her before getting nuzzled on the cheek by the small kwami.

"Morning Tikki. Ready for another day at school?" Tikki nodded before flying down to her desk. Marinette followed before grabbing her towel and moving to shower, watching as Tikki was grabbing a couple of cookies and putting them into her small purse. Marinette smirked before going to shower.

As she showered she thought back to what happened yesterday. The Akuma that had attacked seemed a little stronger than usual and led to both Chat Noir and herself to run themselves a little more tired. She smirked remembering Chat trying to convince her that she was fine and could still totally fight another for her Bugaboo if she wanted, despite the exhausted look on her face.

Her crazy flirty partner, the Black cat of Paris who seemed to have boundless energy and a strange attraction to her. Now, Marinette wasn't surprised when her partner started to flirt with her, Marinette(and by extension Ladybug) was gay as well, although closeted. It was just strange for a superhero to be so open about her advances. Although cheesy, they made her feel a slight softness for the blonde girl. But sadly for her, Marinette's heart was stolen by another.

After showering she made her way over to get dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast. Tikki quickly slipping into her bag while she walked down the stairs into the bakery. The sweet and wholesome smell of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, lifting Marinette's spirits even higher then they were. Her mom turned around at the sound of her entering the room and greeted her good morning. Marinette hugged her mom quickly before sitting on the island and digging into her breakfast.

"Hey, slow down will you?" Her mother teased as she watched her daughter demolish her breakfast. Marinette smiled, mouth full of cereal before swallowing and smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry, mom." Sabine smiled and shook her head before looking at her watch.

"Marinette aren't you cutting it a little close? School starts in 10 minutes." She said looking at her daughter. Marinette shook her head. "Schools only a short walk away, I should be okay."

"Well don't be late again. You are cutting it close on absences" Marinette nodded quickly before getting up and kissing her mom on the cheek. "Well, I better leave now then. Love you!" She quickly waved to her father who just entered the room before walking out the front door.

As she walked, she soaked up the warm weather, the sun's warm rays were so nice after the past couple of weeks of fall weather. When she was done staring dreamily at the sky, enjoying the heat on her face, and the small breeze on her cheeks, she saw the silver car of Adrienne Agreste pull up in front of the school.

Marinette sucked in a small amount of air as the blonde girl stepped out and started walking to the front of the school. Her back length golden hair somewhat blowing in the wind and Marinette gasped a little as she noticed what she was wearing. "Shiiiiitttttttttt." Instead of her usual black shirt, jeans, and a designer blazer, Adrienne was wearing a pale green sundress with a small black polka dot design. Marinette felt her face heat up, and it wasn't from the weather this time. Adrienne's legs were smooth and long, her dress coming down to rest just below her knees and she walked with a happy little sway of her hips, her dress swaying with them. Tikki rustled in her bag and popped her head out.

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