Chapter 5 | Distracted

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Marinette was distracted. She couldn't help it. The fact that she spent over 3 hours with Adrienne, in her house, while she was in her PJ's with so much skin exposed, didn't allow her to focus much in class with her sitting right in front of her. She kept imagining the way her shoulder looked last night, with her red bra strap and how the moonlight illuminated her soft and oh so kissab-

"Marinette!" She blinked and looked back at her history teacher. "What?" Chad and several others started laughing as her teacher crossed her arms. "Is the WW1 not important to you?" Marinette shook her head and pulled back in her seat under her teacher's harsh stare. She mumbled out a sorry and the teacher turned back to the map of Europe.

"As I was saying, the First World war was started primarily by what country?" A slew of hands shot up and Marinette slumped further into her chair as her distracted thoughts returned. She was thankful Adrienne seemed just as distracted as her today, the girl had barely moved as she sat back in her chair and stared ahead. If she wasn't, she might've turned around and looked at her, prompting Marinette to get lost in her green eyes and that perfect face, thinking about how those lips looked last night and how desperately she wanted to have them on her own an-.

"Marinette" She looked over to Alya, who was sliding a note across the table as their history teacher was too busy correcting Chad on his answer to notice. Marinette picked up the note and dragged it off the table before looking down and opening it.

What's up? You seem off.

She looked up at Alya and saw her worried face. She had barely talked to her this morning, her inner thoughts pulling her away from reality. She didn't think that her evening with Adrienne would affect her so much, because she seemed relatively fine at home afterward. But seeing her again at school apparently ignited something inside her and she couldn't stop the intrusive thoughts from dragging her mind through the gutter. She shot her a small smile and wrote her response before passing the paperback over the table.

I'm just a little distracted

Alya opened it and raised an eyebrow at her before smirking and writing back. She passed the paper across and Marinette faked paying attention before slipping the paper into her lap and opening it.

I noticed. You've been staring at Adrienne a lot more than usual today.

Marinette's eyes widened she looked over at Alya who was smirking but not looking at her. She whipped her head to glance around the room but nobody was looking towards her before she quickly wrote down a reply and practically threw it over the desk.

How obvious is it?????

Alya snorted lightly and wrote her reply before passing it along.

Not super obvious, but you're lucky Adrienne isn't paying attention. SHE would definitely notice ;)

Marinette frowned and slumped back into her chair and resolved to pay attention for the rest of the day. This worked for about ten minutes because when class ended for lunch, Adrienne stood up with Nino and turned to look at her and Alya.

Her heart fluttered for several reasons, the main one being that Adrienne looked so timid and different from her usual smiling, sunshine self. Although she thought her evening went well and Adrienne seemed a lot better before she left, apparently today didn't continue with that. She looked at both her and Alya for several seconds before looking down at her feet, shuffling and closed off, waiting for Nino.

She was at a loss of what to do. Should she talk to her? Try and break her out of her stupor? She watched her a little bit longer, hoping Alya and Nino would move on but they just kept talking. Okay, Marinette, you can do this. You talked to the girl all last night, just channel some of that. She took a deep breath and stepped down to stand beside the blonde.

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