🍊's power

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Prompt: The orange side's power is ventriloquism: controlling what other people say.

Thanks @sanderssides_prompts (Instagram) for the prompt


A/N you don't need to read it.
There is more to the prompt, but it is pretty long so there are some spoilers for the one shot. I'll put the rest of the prompt at the end if you want to see it.

Also, I'm so sorry I haven't posted lately, I have a bunch of prompts and ideas for future one shots so I should be posting more frequently. On the other hand, I'm going back to school (in person) tomorrow, so no promises. Because I haven't posted anything lately, here's a long one shot.

Btw, the song above has nothing to do with the one shot, it's just really good and I love it.

Tw: 1 censored swear, Unsympathetic!Janus (it's not his fault tho, he's being controlled), Janus being Remus (and he's pretty good at it so that's why it's a tw)


Janus POV

I feel kinda bad. I mean, yeah, Roman is a self-centred jerk sometimes, but I think I went a little too far when I compared him to his brother, a few days ago. We all know that Roman doesn't like being compared to his brother. None of the sides know exactly why, but we have a pretty good idea. I also feel a little bad for calling my only friend the evil twin, but honestly (I know, shocking, I'm actually being honest), he'd probably take that as a compliment. Roman though, would and clearly did not, take that as a compliment. I'm gonna go apollo-gise (sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

"Hey Roman?" I said as I knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" He asked in a cheerful tone.


I heard him sigh and he opened he door, "what do you want?"

"I came here to-" I paused when I felt something wash over me. When I started talking again, I had no control over my words, "to tell you that you suck at your job and Remus should be the only creativity." What was happening to me? I tried to sink out, but couldn't. "You try so hard to be Thomas' hero, but fail so miserably. Thomas doesn't need you, you're so useless. You should just duck out, I mean, you are pretty replaceable. Anyone could come up with ideas better than yours, your I deals are just so... boring." I tried to put my hand on my mouth to stop myself from talking but somehow, this thing was stopping me from doing that. I didn't mean anything I'd just said, but the words came flooding out. I felt that force releasing me and I could finally say what I wanted, but the damage was already done, there was nothing I could say to fix what I'd just done.

"You're probably right." He said before he closed the door.

"WAIT, ROMAN!" I banged on the door, hoping he would open it. "I'm not sorry," ugh, why do I have to lie when I feel a lot of emotion, it's so frustrating! "I did mean all of that. Something was not controlling me and-"

"Just leave!"

Patton must've heard me yelling because he came out of his room and asked me what was going on.

"I haven't f*cked up. I don't have to go"

"Language! Bye kiddo"

I rose in the dark sides' part of the mindscape and started pacing around the living room. What or who did that? How did they do it? Can they also control actions, or just what people say- oh no. This isn't good. Nonononono. I thought we got rid of him. No, it can't be. I can though. Oh this is not good. My thoughts were interrupted when Remus slapped me in the face.

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