Among Us

28 1 1

A/N It's not very important so you don't need to read it 

Ok, so I don't play among us that often so this chapter might be horrible. That's it.


Prompt: Sanders Sides x Among Us AU (They're in the game)

Thank you @sanderssides_prompts (Instagram) for the prompt


3rd person Pov

Roman was the first side to find among us on the App Store. Of course, he played a few games and then practically begged all the other sides to download it so that they could play together.

The first few times, they all played in the same room but someone would eventually get killed and tell the others who the impostor was and ruin the game for the others. After the first few times, they decided that they'd play in their rooms.

Right now, the 8 sides (Remy and Emile are there too) were in their rooms about to start the game.

You probably already know which side is which color but I'll still tell you.

Virgil = Purple with cat hat or devil horns
Janus = Yellow with either black hat or top hat
Remus = Lime with either toilet roll, plunger, eye, banana skin or sword
Logan = Blue with either science goggles, space helmet, face mask or none
Patton = Cyan with mini crewmate (he said it was his son)
Roman = Red with crown
Emile = Pink with flower or flamingo
Remy = Brown with black cowboy hat or eyebrows

Btw, they're playing in the skeld

Virgil POV

I entered the game code and waited there awhile before Roman started the game.

Yay, I'm the impostor along with Remus and Logan. This is gonna be fun. 😈

The game started and I went to admin to pretend to swipe the card. 10 seconds later, patton's dead body was reported by Roman.


Logan: Where was the body?

Princey: It's Remus

Logan: And what makes you think that?


Snek Boi: Ya right, i think self report

Logan: *yeah *I *it's a

EmoNightmare: i think janus is right

Princey: ITS NOT ME!

Trash Man: It is u

Logan: *I *Janus *It's *you

Logan: Wow, your grammar is horrible

Picani: I think we should trust Roman

Princey: THANK YOU

Princey has voted

Picani has voted

CaffeineBtch: So who we voting?

Princey: REMUS!

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