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for my best friends and supporters


my first real friend in the online world. my supporter from the beginning. a friend I look up to and let myself be inspired by the incredible things you do. the oldest of little sisters, the one I can be weak around and the one to protect us all and a friend I want to protect too, at all costs.



a friend I met casually on the way. a friendship that blossomed a little bit more each day for the last few months. you are a true friend with who I can let my inner child out, be as weird, crazy and loud as I want to be because you are the same. I feel comfortable around you and dare to do things I wouldn't have done without you (just as going live on instagram with you). My youngest little sister, who inspires me to get out of my comfort zone once in a while.



a friend I wouldn't have met without the help of others and I can't be thankful enough for the people that brought us together. A friend so similar to me and yet so different. a person I feel connected with as we share similar traits and fears. someone to encourage me to keep working on concepts, ideas and characters. a friend to inspire me with their mind everyday, to move my heart with their poetry and writing. my younger sister in the middle, thank you for your encouragement when I need it the most.



a friend I just recently met, yet I get attached to so fast. a friend to support me everyday with everything I do. a friend to tell me their honest opinion on what I do and think about. a friend that without this book wouldn't excist. thank you the support you gift me with each day.


and for you

the person reading this right now. for being intrested in my characters, in what I have to say about them. for joining me and them on their journeys. thank you for your time you are spending with reading what I wrote.

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