• Aurora Lestrange; flower braids (victorian era) •

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     The sound of waves crashing on the nearby cliffs and the birds singing in the trees around the garden filled the young girl's ear, as she was laying in the soft grass. She didn't care about her blue dress getting green stains from the grass, she just enjoyed the moment alone, taking in the noises of the nature around her. Oh how she adored these rare moments of silence. But she was sure, she would miss the loud house, her sisters bickering and loud laughs, as soon as the train would start moving.

     She felt a presence that wasn't there before and opend her eyes. Her little sister stood near her, picking flowers from the beautiful garden. Aurora sat up with a smile and watched Persephone with a smile. Her arms full of different flowers, she let herself fall beside Aurora, the flowers that were in her arms now all around them.

     „I can't do it," she wailed, her big eyes looking around at all the flowers she had brought with her.

     „You can't do what?" the eleven year old asked, already knowing the answer.

     „Getting them to stick in my hair," she whispered, crossing her arms.

     Aurora smiled. It wasn't the first time her sister Persephone had picked flowers and sticked them into her hair. It always ended with the flowers falling as soon as she moved.

     „Let me help you," suggested the oldest, positioning herself behind her sister, grabbing some of the white, red and lilac flowers around them.

     She softly started to braid her little sisters thick hair, being careful not to tug to much to not hurt her in the slightes way. While she braided the hair, she positioned a flower here and there. She stopped when she heard a soft sniffle.

     „Persie, what is it? Did I tug your hair to much?" she asked with great concern in her young voice. Her sister only shook her head. „What is it then?"

     „Who is going to braid my hair when you're gone?"

    Aurora almost let the hair in her hands fall. She wasn't expecting a question like this. The four sisters were always rather close while growing up, but she wasn't expecting her sisters to cry as soon as she was about to go to Hogwarts. She took a breath and carefully continued braiding the soft hair.

     „Well, Kathrine can do it."

     „No! Everytime you braid my hair, Ellie comes running in and wants hers braided! Katherine can't do both of our hairs at the same time!"

     The older sister let her eyes fly to the house, where a small, five year old blonde was leaving through the door to the garden. Perfect timing, as always.

     „Well, you could make row. Kathy at the end, braiding your hair and you will do Ellies."

     Persephone scoffed, crossing her arms. Didn't her sister get that it wasn't about the stupid flowers or the stupid hair? It was about them, always being four and soon they would be missing a piece.

     „Me too!" the youngest sister had reached the pair, picking a flower up and throwing it in the air, her childish laugher filling the air. Persephone looked behind her at Aurora with a small smile, wiping her tears away. 'I told you so', is what her smile told Aurora.

     Katherine went over to them, picking some flowers before sitting down next to the oldest.

     „Ellie, sit." she simply said. As soon as she had seen the youngest at the door, she knew she was about to disturb the two with wanting flowers in her hair as well.

     Ellie sat down infront of Katherine with a cry of joy, twisting a lily in her small hands.

     They sat in silence as the two oldest finished to braid the youngest hairs, the waves of the ocean and the songs of the birds being noticeable again.

     Kahterine and Aurora exchanged a look after some time, nodding at each other. „Ready," they announced simultaneous. The younger ones wondered how their sisters always seemed to finish the hair at the same time, but they loved it. They looked at each other and gave their approval to the braided hair and the flowers in it.

     „Wanna do yours!" Ellie screamed excitedly, pointing at her oldest sister. Aurora and Katherine again exchanged a look. It always ended like that, the two younger ones wanting to braid their hair too, tugging at it like crazy while doing so, sticking the flowers in it in a weird way. In the end, Aurora and Katherine always had messed up hair, it looking like they had just gotten out of bed, with flowers squeezed into it. But they never declined. It made their little ones happy and how dare they destroying that for them?

     Years went by, the four sisters all grew up. Katherine had returned from France and Aurora finally had reached her home after being away for over two years in 1853. It was months after the sisters had both returned and Aurora sat in a small room, taking deep breaths. She would underistimate it if she said she was nervous, she was way beyond that. Why was she so nervous? She had fought giant squids and pirates only months ago and now she was freaking out while she looked at the white dress that still layed on the bed behind her.

     The door opend and she twisted her head around to look at the arrival. Electra stood in the doorframe, grinning at her oldest sister.


     „What? Me? No," she turned around, running her hand through her undone hair, „is it that obvious?"

     „Well...", Ellie didn't say anything more as she grinned at the nervous woman infront of her. „You still don't know what to do with you hair?"

     „No." the muffled voice of her sister was heard from behind her hands.


     Auroras head snapped to her younger sister, confused at why it was good that her haid looked like a mess, but before she could question her sister, she entered the room, behind her Katherine and Persephone with a basket full of flowers. White lilys, red roses and lilac violets, mixed with a few daisys, all picked from their garden behind the house. Aurora smiled widely at her sisters, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she waved her hand infront of her head to prevent the tears from falling.

     „Sit back and let us work," said Katherine with a grin, hanging a cloth infront of the mirror to stop Aurora from peeking.

     The oldest sat back and soon felt the hands of her sisters running through her long hair, brushing and braiding it. She closed her eyes with a smile. She was home after all, finally home, with her sisters. She could hear the ocean just from her memories from the countless days in the garden where four small girls braided each others hair, it always looking rather funny in the end.

     When Katherine put the cloth from the mirror, Persephone took her hands from Auroras eyes she had put there for a big reveal. And Aurora couldn't be more grateful for her little sisters, all four of them, as she looked at her dirty blonde hair, braided with flowers perfectly placed in it, loose strands hugging her face like a frame.

     The younger sisters never had to question themselves what they would want to do with their hair at their wedding days, as the other three would always pick some roses, lilys, violets and daisys from the garden, perfectly placing it in the brides hair. 

     [A/N; the first oneshot! I am so excited for what this book will bring, which details will come to my mind and will become words in this books. The beginning had to be made by the four Lestrange sisters, without them and the friends they're resembling, a lot of my ocs and this book wouldn't exist.]

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