• Noah Grady; other side (golden trio era) •

52 3 25

[A/N; this oneshot contains possible spoiler for my upcoming book 'moonstruck']

     The sun began to set behind the horizon and the mans leg was rapidly moving up and down, a nervous pattern that had formed over the years. His hands, clutched together, kept moving from his face to his lap as he sat in the old chair. His eyes moved around and tried to avoid looking at the vanishing sun behind the window. The door of the small hut opend in a rush and his head snapped to the darkskinned woman entering the room. She closed the door behind her and locked it.

     „How are you feeling?" she turned at his scoff, not getting an actual answer from him. She raised her eyebrows crossing her arms, making him release a sigh.

     „Like crap. I feel like..." he stopped and gulped, „like back then. When I wasn't myself." Her eyes hold sorrow and she stepped towards him, placing her hand on his shaking knee. His eyes stopped moving around and settled on Skylers face.

     „Where is Elara?"

     Skyler gave a small smile. He was about to face a terrible, agonising night and his mind was set on his loved ones, on his niece.

     „At Andromedas, she's in good hands." she saw him nod, looking back to the ground again. The last thing he wanted was for his niece to be anywhere near him tonight. She knew what was going to happen, she grew up with a werewolf as her father after all. She insisted to become an Animagus herself as soon as she saw the red marks on her uncles shoulder. He declined. Forbid it, actually. He didn't know what would happen. Of course, after helping Remus Lupin during fullmoons during the last seventeen years in his form as an Australian Kelpie, he had an image of what would happen to him. He had seen Remus' bones breaking, forming into something else as claws grew from his fingertips, piercing through the skin. He heard his screams, slowly turning into painful howls that filled the night. He had seen his eyes changing their colour, his human side vanishing with the brown tone they originally had. He took a deep breath and his eyes moved to the window. The sun had vanished and he could feel the still fresh wound on his shoulder throbbing in pain. He wondered if the scar it would leave will always feel like this, like a last warning before he would lose himself.

     „You should go." he mumbled, his eyes squeezed shut as his breaths became heavy. The woman scoffed and grabbed his arm, dragging him up from the chair. His legs were shaking as she led him to the second door in the little hut.

     „Did you really thought I'd leave you, Grady?" she scolded, leading him downstairs into the small cellar. His nose scrunched up in disgust as the smell of the cellar made it's way into his system.

     „I hoped so." he grumbled, letting himself slid down the wall as she let go of his arm. She got to her knees infront of him, taking his hand in hers, making him look at her with his watering eyes.

     „We're a team, Noah. Always were," she whispered, squeezing his hand. „You being on the other side of this routine now doens't change that."

     He gave her a weak smile, squeezing back.

     „If anything seems to go wrong," he stopped with a painful groan, his heartbeat picking up as he felt the throbbing in his shoulder spreading out. „If I slash out, you leave." he grunted, his head falling back against the wall behind him. He took his hands away from her and when he opend his eyes again he saw the familiar grey fox infront of him, it's left front paw covered in black furr. He slightly chuckled, remembering the first time they both had turned into their new forms. They had read that in their animagi form, their animal would have a special mark, something that would help people identify them in that form. He remembered the circles around the cats eyes that was his old transfiguration professor or the thick, black furr of his former partner.

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