• Samuel Davies and Celeste Meadows; own little world (marauders era) •

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     A deep breath filled the boys lungs, his chest rising and sinking again as he exhaled the air. He could feel the sun tickling the skin on his face, birds singing their unique songs outside and even through the closed windows he could hear the faint chirping. He was yet to open his eyes as he strechted his limps, his legs tangled with another pair and his arms leaving the body next to him as he did. He placed one of them casually on his stomach, placing his other hand in the girls hair, taking a deep breath again. He moved his head slightly and opend his eyes, the first thing he wanted to see was her.

     It was rare for him to wake up first. Usually it was her, being captured in his grip while he slept and she would stay right there, in his arms, waiting for him to wake up but he loved this unusal situation of him being the first of them to awake. He could catch a glimpse at her features, her brown hair sprayed over his shirt as her head layed on his chest, listening to his hearbeat; her favourite sound. 

     He could play with her hair while his eyes moved around to catch every single spot of her face, trying to find details he didn't spot before, another frackle or even a mole. He never succeded, he knew every frackle, every mole and her adorable dimbles when she smiled by heart. But it didn't stop him from looking at her face, admiring her peaceful features as long as he could before she would wake up and before the pair was dragged into the real world outside of their little flat.

     He loved these moments, he adored them and tried to capture every single second he had with her in their little world, only them. No problems, no fights, no war and no deaths. Only them, laying in bed, arms around each other while listening to each others slightly faster heartbeats, watching each others chests rise and fall with each precious breath the other was taking.

     The girl stirred as she took a deep breath herself before opening her oceanblue eyes. Her hand slightly caressing his covered chess as she moved her head to look up at him, catching his deep brown eyes. She gifted him a tired smile before moving her head further up to press a light kiss on his lips. He closed his eyes for the few seconds her lips touched his, saving the memory in his mind and heart. She pulled away, looking around to catch a glimpse at the clock before looking back at him.

     „I planned to bring you breakfast to bed," she admitted with her angelic but tired voice. He gave her a grin, snaking both his arms around her frame. „I failed," she added, making a deep chuckle escape from his lips which she could feel vibrating in his chest as the sound left his mouth.

     „No, you didn't. I love to wake up first. It's rare, so I take every morning I can to just lay here with you in my arms." He pressed his lips on her head, slightly loosening his grip from around her to allow her to move. She did, bringing her upper body up, her arm on his chest as her face was hovering near his, her hair falling on his cheeks. He smiled, carefully putting her strands behind her ear. She kept looking at him, the love she holds for the boy overwhelming her, making her spechless.

     „I love you, Celeste," he whispered. His words earned him his favorite sight in the world, her smile, so soft, her eyes looking at him full of love. She lowered her head, closing her eyes and he followed her lead, his eyes closed as his head slightly raised from the soft pillow. Their lips met in a tender kiss, taking his breath away. His thumb slightly caressing her cheek as her hand rested on his neck. The second kiss they shared this morning was longer, slow and full of love. She moved away again and Sam took a deep breath he didn't realise he was holding. She literally takes his breath away.

     „I love you, Samuel." his smile on his lips grew as he heard the words being spoken so carefully. He opend his eyes again to meet hers, falling in love with them over and over again. She smiled, too, giving him one last peck on his lips before getting up. She earned a wailing sound from the boy as she left his arms, her own hands now moving through her hair as she captured them in a bun.

     „You, my dear birthday boy, stay here. I'll be back in a bit with breakfast," she pointed her finger at him to clarify her words before she turned and left the bedroom.

     Sam let his head fall against the pillow again, smiling wildly. Today was their day. No fights, no war, no deaths. Just them in their own little world. 

     [A/N; a new oneshot, shorter then planned but I like how it turned out! I actually planned on writing a whole day in their life but that'll be saved for another oneshot then! Also it's Samuel Davies birthday today (4th April) so I was incredible motivated to write something about him. To clarify one thing though; Celeste Meadows is not my oc. She's appearing in the chapter called "my friends ocs" and belongs to my dear friend Diana. Honey, I hope you like this little scene about them in their own little workd.]

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