Chapter 1

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"Another day, another seed." Y/N said to herself while picking up her grief seed. She got out of her transformation and put the seed in her pocket. She sighed with relief and started the walk back home.

Exhausted from the fight, Y/N made it home and immediately went to bed. Her mom came into the room to check on her.

"Hey sweety, how was school?" Her mother asked her while sitting on her bed.

"Good, I guess." Y/N replied in a tired tone.

"You guess?" Y/N's mom asked while trying to be cheerful.

"Yeah." Y/N said. Y/N's mother sighed and said.

"Well, dinner's almost done if you want some."

"Okay, I'll join you guys in a little bit." Y/N said, still tired and turning to her side.

"Alright, love you!" Y/N's mom said while walking out of her room and closing the door. Y/N transformed her ring into a soul gem and got out the grief seed to recharge her powers. Once she got the darkness out, she put it back in her pocket and got up from her bed to stretch. Her soul gem went back to being a ring.

"Man, a couple of months of doing this s#*+ by myself really drains my energy for the day. Plus, school." Y/N said to herself. She went downstairs to join her family at the dinner table.

"Hey, I'm here." Y/N said and sat down at one of the chairs available.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" Y/N's dad asked.

"I'm doing good, how about you?"

"I'm alright myself." He responded. Y/N's mom then brought over her homemade meal for the three of them to eat. It was silent throughout the room, no one talked. Not even a peep.

When dinner was over, Y/N went to her room to lay back down on her bed and started listening to her music. She also brought out the grief seed that she won in battle to fidget with it until she heard a familiar voice through her mind.

"Well, that was a day for getting grief seeds. More active out there than usual." Kyubey said through telepathy.

"It was, I wonder why there were so many out there." Y/N said to Kyubey through her mind.

"At least I got a few grief seeds out of it. Want one? I already cleared my soul gem for the night." She asked him.

"Sure." he replied. Y/N tossed the used grief seed in the air for Kyubey to catch and eat.

"So, are you going to sneak out again to get more witches like usual?" He asked Y/N.

"Na, I'm good. Kyoko can take care of it if she wants to. After all, she's a more active magical girl than I am." Y/N replied to Kyubey.

"Unfortunately, Kyoko has moved into another part of the city for free territory." Y/N paused her music and took her headphones off when Kyubey told her the news

"Wait, Mami died?" She asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

"Aw, man. That's a bummer, she was very nice when I first met her before moving. Can you at least tell me how she died if you witnessed it?" Y/N asked him.

"Mami died from fighting a witch at a hospital. She was protecting two girls who were in the labyrinth with her but failed to make it out alive. Another magical girl named Homura defeated the witch and saved the girl's lives."

"That's good to know, but it's kinda sad that she lost her life. Well, it is bound to happen to us at one point. Either become a witch or lose your life. We have no other fate." Y/N then got out of bed and started stretching.

"Alright, let's go. We don't have all night." Y/N said. Kyubey jumped from the shelf to Y/N's shoulder and Y/N climbed through her window to sneak out. She then transformed into her outfit for fighting.

She had a purple jumper with a skirt attached to it that went down to her knees. Her sleeves went to her elbows and were wearing a pair of purple tennis shoes. Her hair was in a braid and wore a small, golden tiara that went around her head. The front of the crown had a crescent moon with a hint of cyan and a little purple orb that represented her soul gem.

When the transformation was completed, she brought out her weapon. Her weapon was a spear that had a sharp, golden blade and a long, royal purple handle. 

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"Here we go again." Y/N said as she made her way to the city without being seen.

She started wandering around and found a few witches and stayed away from the familiars so they could become a witch. When Y/N was done hunting witches for the night, she used one of her earned grief seeds to take away the darkness in her soul and gave the seed for Kyubey to eat. She was sitting on one of the building's roofs to catch her breath.

"I honestly don't know if I regret going back out again or not. Well, time to start heading home. Good night!" Y/N said and made her way home.

She made it home safe and sound and wasn't caught by her parents. Y/N then closed the window and blinds to get her pajamas on for bed. She then got on her bed, under her sheets, and got to sleep in peace.

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