Chapter 2

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{Girls like Us by Zoe Wees}

'Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!'

Y/N stopped the alarm that was going off her phone and started getting ready for school. She got her uniform on and brushed her hair into a braid. She then went downstairs to grab a cup of coffee.

"Wow! You're up early." Y/N's mom said and yawned at the end of the sentence. "I can say the same to you. What's up?"

"Nothing much, just getting ready for work. How about you?" "I'm doing alright, just getting ready for school and drinking a cup of coffee." Y/N replied to her mother while drinking her sugared concoction cup of caffeine.

"I'm heading to school! See ya!" Y/N said all prepared and ready for school. She walked out the door with Kyubey on her shoulder and made her way to the school. On her walk, she plugged in her headphones to listen to Girls Like Us by Zoe Wees.

She walked on the paved sidewalk while feeling the cool breeze touching her skin. She saw the beautiful ocean blue sky that she has seen so many times and the pigeons that fly around the city every day. Many cars were going by with people with their own stories, going to work.

When she arrived at her school, she went into the building and started making her way to her classroom. Y/N walked through the familiar hallway and made it to her classroom. She then went to her desk and sat down waiting for her class.

"Hey, Y/N!" her old friend Shingo said and sat at the desk next to her. "What's up?" He said with a genuine smile. Y/N ignored him and started to use her ring as a fidget toy. "Still ignoring me huh?" Y/N stayed silent. 'Let me guess, he's gonna do his motivation speech again. He's a nice guy and all, but I don't want him to get involved in my life.' Y/N thought in her head.

"I understand, these past few weeks haven't been easiest for you and me. But we can't give up hope just yet, she's still out there somewhere. Waiting to be found. So, let's be positive and be there for each other through this hardship. It's probably what she would like to see."

'I knew it!' Y/N shouted in her mind with a hint of happiness knowing that she was correct. She still ignored him anyway and brought out her phone to play a random mini-game by herself.

The bell suddenly rang to signal the entire school that classes were about to start. They all got out their textbooks and put away any distractions to understand the lessons for the day. The whole school day goes by as nothing had happened.

After school, she started to walk around her city to find any witches. Y/N eventually found a witch at a busy street that was about to hatch. She was able to beat that witch with a few cuts on her body. They were faint so it didn't bother her one bit.

When she picked up the grief seed and got out of her transformation to recharged her soul gem, she walked to the city's park to take a break. Y/N sat down at one of the benches near the water fountain and sighed with relief. "I kinda regret going out last night, but then again...grief seeds~." She said to Kyubey through telepathy.


"What in the world is that?!" a random woman said looking up at the sky. Y/N looked up to see what she was looking at. "What the hell is going on?!" a young man said out loud. Y/N looked at the sky to see the random blue strings all around the city.

She looked around to see that parts of the city were also being attacked by a group of terrorists. "What the hell do these guys want?" Y/N said to herself. She saw many people scared for their lives and all she could hear were screams. So many people screaming and running. Fearing for their lives.

"So, what are you going to do about this?" Kyubey asked Y/N. "Well, obviously I'm going to fight them and beat their asses until they're nothing but dust." Y/N responded to Kyubey's question. She then hid and transformed into her magical girl outfit.

Y/N made herself a mask with her magic so no one she saves would recognize her and see her face. She got out of her hiding place and headed towards the battle field. When she saw who the threat was..."A skeleton? Why the hell is there a skeleton here?"

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