Chapter 6

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A few days had passed since Y/N woke up from her two-day nap. She was able to meet more of Nightmare's gang and got to know them a bit.

Killer was nice to her and played knife darts with him. Scoundrel and Y/N were able to kill time together by playing some card games with each other. She was surprisingly getting along was Horror, even though he was trying to eat her on a few occasions. We already know about Cross and Dust's situation. Nightmare...was a different story.

Y/N hasn't had the chance to know Nightmare, she's only seen him every now and then. When she sees him, it's only him checking on her condition and that's it. Not much conversation going on between them...until today.

Today's the day that Nightmare is going to start torturing Y/N in her dreams. He was excited to use his new idea, but at the same time was nervous about what was gonna happen to her. He kept pushing back his plans because some feeling in his soul felt hesitant to commit this action. He shook off his anxiety and made his way to the cellar room.

Y/N was in her cell playing with a bouncy ball she created out of her magic. She then heard footsteps coming her way and dissolved the ball into thin air. Y/N was able to see who was coming her way and she stood up.

"If you're here to check on me, I'm bored as hell thank you very much." Y/N said as she crossed her arms with no eye contact towards Nightmare.

"Good, now get some rest. It's late." He said to her with some blush on his cheeks. Nightmare could feel positivity in his system and he didn't like it. So, he ignored it. Y/N was just annoyed by the command. She felt like being treated like a kid again. She still followed his orders.

Y/N got to a comfortable position and fell asleep on the spot. The dream started with Y/N and F/N on a walk to find some witches. Y/N was holding her soul gem and the glow was beating at a slow pace. The two were talking to each other while they waited for a witch to get on their sensor.

Little did they know a certain goopy man was watching them and waiting for the perfect opportunity. The soul gem started to glow rapidly when they got to an abandoned construction site. The closer they got, the more it glowed.

"Looks like we found our catch for the night." Y/N stated. Then the two girls transformed into their magical girl outfit.

F/N's outfit was a blue shirt tucked into her black pants with a golden belt to secure it. Her boots were as golden as a wedding ring with some sky blue ribbons securing them. Her hair was a high ponytail and a crown that gave Nightmare a sense of deja vu. She also wore a yellow and orange striped poncho that was held together by a star pin. The star of the pin was yellow with pink surrounding the star. The yellow star was actually her soul gem.

"Ready?" Y/N asked her friend.

"Ready." F/N replied. Y/N then summoned her spear and created an entrance to the labyrinth. This sparked Nightmare's curiosity of Y/N. The two girls ran in while Nightmare followed them in the shadows. He then started to mess around with Y/N.

"Huh?" Y/N thought she heard a voice.

"What's wrong Y/N?" F/N asked with concern.

"N-nothing, I just thought I heard something." she replied. Then, the girls felt like they were being dragged to a source.

"It knows we're here! Prepare yourself." Y/N told F/N. They suddenly arrived at where and what they were looking for. The witch. "I'll distract it, you'll try to find it's weakness. Go!" With that, they started activating their strategy.

Y/N was slicing and distracting the savage beast while F/N was shooting the witch with her golden arrow to find it's weak spot. Unfortunately, a certain someone stopped them in their tracks.

"Hello Y/N, was I interrupting something important?" Nightmare said with a wicked smile. Y/N was trying to escape from Nightmare's grasp, but the more she struggled, the tighter the grip on her neck was.

"Y/N! What's going on? Who is this guy?!" F/N shouted while trying to dodge the witch's attacks. Suddenly, F/N was hit by the witch and was badly hurt.


"Aww, little Y/N here wants to save her friend. Hehe. Oh well, looks like she has to watch her die." Nightmare taunted Y/N to raise her negative emotions. Y/N was struggling to get out with tears in her eyes.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" F/N screamed in pain and caught Y/N and Nightmare's attention. F/N was trying to get up, but something disturbing was escaping her mouth. Then the thing viciously got out of her system and the thing was something that Y/N never wanted to see again.

"Not again." Y/N whispered to herself. 

(FINALLY FINISHED A CHAPTER!!! OMG THAT TOOK FOREVER!!! Thank you for your patience :) and sorry for the long wait.)

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