Chapter 5

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"What do you think Y/N?" Nightmare asks Y/N. Y/N put her thinking cap on to think of an answer.

"I appreciate the offer Nightmare, but I'm gonna have to reject it." Y/N replies. Nightmare wasn't delighted to hear that answer. So, he went to his go-to plan with these kinds of situations.

"Well, so be it. I'll just keep you in here in this hell until you answer the question correctly." Nightmare said to Y/N and left the cellar room with Killer. Y/N was alone again in her cell.

"That went well." Y/N said to herself sarcastically and sat down on the low bed, back against the wall. Y/N got out of her magical girl outfit and was back in her school uniform. She checked her soul gem to see its status.

"A little dim, but enough to survive in this sh*+h0le for a good while." Y/N said to herself and formed her gem into a ring. She then pulled out the few witch eggs that were in her pocket.

"However, these should be taken care of as soon I can." Y/N continued. She looked at the eggs and admired them for a bit.

"Hey, whatchu got there kid?" A male voice asked Y/N. She gasped from the sudden sound and looked up to see another skeleton in black and white. 'Must be a new guard for my cell.' Y/N thought to herself.

"Don't worry about it, it's my responsibility, not yours." Y/N said to the skeleton. She put the witch eggs back into her pocket and crossed her arms. She kept looking at the new person who was fiddling with a knife that looked as tall as a kitchen counter.

"I know you're staring at me." He said and Y/N replied.

"Well, I'm trapped in a prison cell with no entertainment with me. What the h3ll do you expect me to do?" The skeleton started to think. Then, a light bulb lit in his head.

"I have an idea." He said and teleported into her cell. He summoned some toys and something that looked like a battle ring. He held out a toy for Y/N to take. "Wanna play?" he asked her.

"Sure, why not." Y/N responded and took the toy from him.

"By the way, the name's Cross." He said to her.

"Nice to meet you, Cross. My name is Y/N." Y/N said to her new friend. Y/N and Cross started playing together in her cell.

Meanwhile, Nightmare was in his office thinking about he could persuade Y/N into his gang. By seeing how she performed on the battlefield was something he had never witnessed before. He did sense negativity in her, but it was more like the feeling was more numb than anything else. These kinds of thoughts were the ones that were lingering in his mind.

"Ugh!" He said and banged his head against the desk. His skull was physically okay but was filled with frustration in his mind. 

"How am I supposed to get that damned girl to join me if she can fight back! Unless...I can torture her in her dreams!" Told himself out loud.

Nightmare liked the idea, however, he felt a hint of guilt about going through with this plan. He didn't know why he was feeling this way, but he shook it off like it was never there. He then decided he should check on his prisoner to see how she was doing. He sensed a few positive feelings coming from the cellar and was curious to see what was going on in there.

"Come on, come on, come on..." the toy was knocked off the plastic battlefield by another toy. "Yes!" Y/N shouted in excitement. She achieved victory in the battle.

"Aww, good game though Y/N." Cross said in defeat and they both shook each other's hand.

"Good game, Cross. Wanna play again?" Y/N said back to Cross.

"H3ll yeah, dude. I'll make sure I defeat your a55 this time!" Cross said and grabbed his toy and prepared for another battle. Y/N got her toy ready and was excited to see what will happen in this fight.

"Ready. Set-"

"What the h3ll is going on here?!" Nightmare interrupted Cross and Y/N's count down. Both of them paused and stared at Nightmare and then each other. "Well?! Is somebody going to explain this?!" Nightmare demanded an explanation.

"We were just playing Beyblades, what's the harm in that?" Y/N said to him.

"Nothing, I was just making sure you were alive." Nightmare said to Y/N. 

"Well, I'm alive. I think." said Y/N. Nightmare left the two alone in the cellar room. "Ready to get your a55 kicked, Cross?" She asked in a sassy tone.

"HA! You wish, princess." He said back at Y/N.

"Ready. Set. GO!!!!" They said at the same time and unleashed their Beyblades onto the ring. There were a few close calls for both of them but in the end, Y/N kicked his a55. 

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