Chapter 3

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"A skeleton? Why the hell is there a skeleton here?" Y/N asked herself. She was perplexed by what was going on around her. She ran up to the skeleton and threw her spear at it. The spear was able to quickly grab the hoodie the strange skeleton was wearing and pin it on a building wall. Giving the people a chance to escape.

She got closer to the mysterious skeleton and was able to see it in more detail. The skeleton looked like any other skeleton decoration that she has seen in a halloween store. They were around the same height as her, but the thing that made them different was the eyes. The light from their right eye was red and the left eye was blue, but there was a red circle around the blue.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone is really getting into their cosplay." The skeleton said and started laughing like a serial killer.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." Y/N said sarcastically. She summoned another spear, spun it around very fast and held the point up to its neck.

"Now, where the hell did you come from?" She said, trying to strike fear into him. He stopped laughing and just smiled. His eyes looked at the spear that was pointing at him and then looked at Y/N.

"Wow, you really are in character aren't you?" He then summoned his weapon with a snap of his boney fingers and shot a laser out of the weapon's mouth. Y/N was able to dodge it by jumping 20 feet up in the air, but it was cut short when a blue heart appeared in front of her forehead and it made her fall down at a fast speed.

Y/N was able to survive the fall, but it left a dent in the ground and gave her a few bruises. She then got up and adjusted her tiara since it was the thing that pulled her down to the ground. When she looked up, she saw another skeleton that had a crack in his head, a red glow from his eye socket that covered a majority of his left eye, and an ax in his hand. He looked similar to the other skeleton that she was fighting. He then held up his ax with both of his hands, ready to strike his target.

"Are you kidding me right now?!" Y/N yelled to herself.

"Nope!" He said with a smile, trying to hit Y/N with his ax.

She was able to dodge the attack then grabbed the ax that he was holding on to and threw the ax and ax guy over her head. She aggressively threw him down to the ground.

Y/N then spined around and around with the ax and the ax guy and threw him at another skeleton with a blue bandanna. She assumed that the third skeleton was a part of them too. The ax guy collided with the blue bandanna guy and both of them got knocked out.

"Well you're new!" a fourth skeleton said behind Y/N. He had a similar outfit as the other skeletons except for the one with the blue bandanna. He had this target out in front of him, black streaks coming down his cheeks, and was holding a knife in his hands.

"I am," Y/N said and turned around fast to block the knife's attack with her spear. "And, so are you." she said. Both the target and Y/N started performing a sword dance. Every slash he attempted at the young girl was reflected and every slash she attempted was dodged.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" Hoodie boy said and tried to stab Y/N with a sharp bone. She was able to dodge it, but now the battle was getting more difficult to fight with two opponents. She has fought more than one enemy before, but to her, it felt like fighting two witches at once.

'I'm not going to let them take away my property that easily.' Y/N said in her mind while fighting for her life. She deflected every hit that was coming from the two skeletons, but the more magic she used, the closer she got to become the third witch of the party. Suddenly...


Target was able to successfully slice Y/N's back and severely damaged her health. However, she was able to heal her wound with her soul magic and was able to keep fighting. She was finally able to escape them and hide somewhere safe to recharge her soul energy with one of her witch eggs.

"Thank god, two more seconds in there and I would have been dead as hell." Y/N said to herself while putting the egg on her forehead to get rid of the dark energy in her soul. When it was fully charged up, she gave the egg to Kyube for food.

"Y/N, I think I have a theory as to why they are here."

"My, my, spill the tea sis." Y/N told Kyubey.

"I don't think these beings are from this world."

"Well, no sh*t Sherlock. They're skeletons for Christ's sake."

"But for some reason, I can't think of anything that caused them to come into this world."

Then, something slimy grabbed a hold of Y/N and quickly dragged her to the source of the tentacle. It happened so quickly, she didn't have any time to react to the sudden capture.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A little girl playing dress-up to protect her beloved home. Hilarious!" The mysterious, inky creature said to her.

"Who the hell are you?!" Y/N shouted at the goopy skeleton while being held up in the air by the neck.

"Rushing for introduction already here. Hehe. Don't worry," Y/N was being forced closer to the skeleton. "We'll get to know each other well in your new home."

"Wait, WHAT?!?!" Y/N was confused on why he said that until he shouted,


'Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!' Y/N repeated in her mind. In her final attempt to escape, she summoned her spear and cut his tentacle that was choking her. Once she escaped, she jumped as high as she could and changed her spear into a rope with a golden hook at the end.

Y/N threw the hook at a building's antenna to swing away from the goopy guy like Spiderman. Unfortunately, he caught up with her real quick. He teleported in front of her and used his tentacles to grab her and throw her into a speeding thousand-foot drop.

When Y/N hit the ground, she was knocked unconscious. The goopy guy took the young girl's unconscious body and went to his gang. The members were confused when they saw their boss with a human.

"Why do you have 'that' with you, boss?" A skeleton in black and white asked him while leaning on his knife.

"Seems weird that you're bringing a human with us to the base." Another skeleton in a purple and black outfit said and held his bat behind his shoulders.

"Just a little souvenir from our trip and our new prisoner." The group of skeletons teleported out of Y/N's universe and into their base. They threw her body in a prison cell and waited for her to wake up. 

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