Chapter 4

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"Ugh, my head feels like sh*t." Y/N said out loud to herself. She looked around her surroundings and saw thin metal bars keeping her trapped. The ceiling to floor was covered in stone and someone was guarding her cell.

"Looks like sleeping beauty decided to finally wake up from her damned nap." The guard said to Y/N. She sat back against the wall and noticed that she was back in her school uniform. She didn't care.

"The name's Dust by the way." He said and made eye contact with Y/N. "What's yours, pipsqueak?"

"None of your damn business." Y/N said with obvious annoyance in her voice. He banged the bars with his arm to show his patience was getting thinner than a piece of paper.

"Doesn't matter right now, I'll let the Boss know you're awake you little sh*t." Dust said and left Y/N alone in the cell.

"Well, he was nice." Y/N mumbled to herself and was full of sarcasm. She then started fiddling with some of the pebbles and rubble that were on the frigid floor.

Meanwhile, Dust went through the hallways until he got to his Boss's office. His Boss was writing and thinking of ways he could take over the multiverse. He was looking over plans that were on his papers until heard a knock from his door.

"What now?!" The Boss yelled to the unknown person on the other side. Dust walked into the office and could tell that his boss was not in a good mood.

"Hey Boss, the girl's awake." Dust informed his boss. He made a sinister smile that secretly disturbed Dust.

"Finally, some good news for once. Get Killer and tell him to meet me at the cellar room." He demanded from Dust.

"Yes, Boss." Dust bowed to his boss and left the room. The boss then made his way to the cellar to see the now conscious young woman.

"Killer, Boss wants you in the cellar room with him." Dust informed his teammate. Killer was playing his version of darts and almost hit Dust in the process. Killer was laying on his bed and playing with his knife collection.

"What's up?" Killer asked Dust.

"The Boss wants you in the cellar room with him." Dust said to him.

"So she decided to finally wake up from her two-day slumber." Killer said to his teammate.

"Yep." Dust replied.

"Ugh, this is what I get for being his stupid, right-hand man." Killer complained to himself.

"He he. I wouldn't be surprised if you two started dating at this point." Dust joked and laughed out loud.

"Dude, I may be desperate, but I'm not that desperate." Killer said and got up from his bed. He then started making his way to the cellar room. Once he got there, he saw his Boss at the entrance waiting for him.

"Good, you're here. Follow me." Killer's Boss demanded from. He rolled his eyes as he followed his Boss through the room.

Y/N heard footsteps coming her way and stood up. It was Target and the goopy guy again. She transformed into her fighting clothes and created her mask and spear to defend herself. The Boss and Killer were standing in front of the magical girl. The Boss had a bland expression while Killer was smiling menacingly and holding his knife.

"Easy there, we're not gonna hurt you. We just want a have a little 'chat' with you." The Goopy guy said to Y/n. She lowered her weapon, but still held onto it just in case. He smiled like Target.

"Good, now first, introduction. I'm Nightmare, king of negativity. This bastard next to me is Killer." Nightmare said to Y/N.

"Dude, you're a bastard too you know." Killer said to Nightmare. Nightmare looked at Killer and had an 'Imma kill you if you say that again, b*+ch!' face. Killer said nothing and thought 'oh sh*+ I shouldn't have said that, but it was so worth it.'

"Now, what's your name?" Nightmare asked her.

"...I'm Y/N."

"Good, now that we got that out of the way, what is it that you do in your world Y/N?" Nightmare asked Y/N. Y/N didn't care at this point that she shares her information.

"I'm a magical girl that hunts witches." Y/N answered. Nightmare was starting to get interested in this girl and wondered why she was attacking his gang.

"So your basically a warrior princess?" Killer jokingly asked Y/N. He started chuckling until Nightmare elbowed Killer at his ribcage. Killer Oofed at the sudden attack and curled to where he was hurt.

"DUDE, WHAT THE F^(K!?!?" Killer complained to his Boss. Nightmare just ignored his right-hand man and continued with Y/N from where they left off.

"So, if your enemies are the witches, why did you attack us?"

"You were on my property, duh." Y/N answered.

"Lack of empathy for humanity, huh. Also, you can take that stupid thing on your face off. You don't need it." Nightmare said to Y/N. Y/N shrugged and decided to take off her mask to revile your face. Y/N dissolved the mask back into magic.

"I never said that I hated humanity, I just see them as bait for the witches." Y/N somewhat lied to him. She did see them as bait except for her friends and family.

"Interesting. So these 'witches' eat humans, am I correct?" Nightmare asked her.

"Yeah." Y/N answered.

"Looks like you don't need training if you needed that spear of yours to fight them." Y/N did not like the way Nightmare said that sentence. He had an evil look in his eye that made her think that he was coming up with a plan for her.

"So, since I got to know you a little better, I was wondering if you would like to join our gang. What do you think Y/N?"

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