I started walking in a different direction and soon heard a crunch of leaves behind me and I was scared instantly. I froze.
"Found you." he chuckled.
"Pl...please ..let.. Let me go.. I pr...omise I did .n..ot see any...anything." I pleaded as I limp...
I was pissed. When I say pissed, I meant pissed. She was all over him. Even though she didn't know anything, I was furious and I was so jealous. I wanted to rip his throat out right then. That wouldn't help the situation because then she would never talk to me again and because of the fact that he is my best friend. I walked out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and shut the door. Hard. It wasn't slammed but it was a loud shut. I didn't want to alarm anybody over my jealousy, knowing how they won't understand, and it would be awkward to tell my best friend I am in love with his sister.
I got dressed and put on some black skinny jeans with a black novel-ty shirt. My pants also had a belt on them. I also wore a black hat with my glasses as well. I got ready because I had to go hunting. When I'm mad, it helps me to calm down, and also because I am very hungry. Me being in the same house as she drives me nuts because of her scent. I wish to stick my sharp fangs in her neck, but at the same time, I don't want to hurt her. (One of the reasons he needs to calm down, in case of confusion)
(Picture is kind of like this)
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I walked back downstairs after I was dressed and saw Jin and Namjoon talking. Of course, I could hear their conversation if I wanted to, but I needed to act normal and talk to them and tell them I was going out.
"...So that's your plan?" Namjoon said before looking at me. "Oh hey, Yoongi! What are you up to?" He asked.
"Yeah, just going out. I will see you all later?" I said while heading to the door to put on my shoes.
"Yeah, we are having another guy's night. This one failed because everyone fell asleep haha." Jin said.
"Alright, well I will see you all later," I told them before walking out of the door.
Since not very many people were out where we all live, I decided to use my speed to get me to the woods. I remember the intimate moment with Y/n while being there. The way her glossy eyes looked into mine, begging me not to touch her, and it was breathtaking. Her sweet blood on the tip of my tongue. And the way she smells, I don't think I have expressed this enough. I may sound like a psychopath, but no one would understand what I have to go through.
I was walking through the woods, my mind on Y/n, when suddenly I heard crunches far away that my hearing could sense. I smelled the air to be met with the scent of a deer. A big one. I chased after it, quickly getting to it. I looked left and right and found it eating some things off of the ground. I "pounced" to get it, sinking my fangs into it. I made sure it was drained before walking back, but not before clearing my tracks.
I headed back home, making sure I looked presentable before going back inside the house. I walked in and said, "Hey guys, I'm back." while taking off my shoes. All I heard was silence. I guess everyone was gone. Then I saw Y/n walking down the stairs. "Oh, hi Yoongi! The boys went somewhere but didn't tell me, so I stayed home by myself. Even Jimin left me for them." She rolled her eyes and pouted which made me chuckle.
"Hey! That's nothing to laugh about. I am so bored." She stated, walking closer to me. "Hey it's not my fault you are so cute when you pout," I said before realizing I called her cute. I acted like it was nothing, but I looked at her cheeks to see them bright red, clearly flustered. "Well, I'm here now, so I can hang with you and we can have fun, if you don't mind," I smirked. That made her blush more before answering with a small, "Okay."
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I have been trying to get through more and editing them before publishing them! Thanks for reading and while you are at it, can you vote and share this story? It would make my day! Have a great one!