I started walking in a different direction and soon heard a crunch of leaves behind me and I was scared instantly. I froze.
"Found you." he chuckled.
"Pl...please ..let.. Let me go.. I pr...omise I did .n..ot see any...anything." I pleaded as I limp...
I felt like I knew him from somewhere else other than school or from my brother. I don't really remember meeting him anywhere else, though. It is like we have some sort of connection. Of course, I have seen him around my house hanging with the boys since he moved and all, and even before we moved he was around, but he just seems too familiar. I ignored my thoughts and continued to shop with Jin.
We headed to the grocery store and got what we needed. We paid for the groceries and headed to the car to put everything in there before going home.
The car ride was not really interesting. Jin was talking about what he was making for dinner tonight which was Kimbap along with a few other things. He makes some of the best food! He and Suga/Yoongi, whatever, make food for all of us all of the time.
Once we arrived home, we put the groceries up and Jin started to make dinner. I messaged Jimin and asked him if he would be here to keep me company while the rest were here and of course, he said yes.
I got ready for the movie night by putting on some pajamas before heading back downstairs.
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This is what you wear^^
The guys showed up one by one until they were all here. Yoongi was the last one to be here. After he got here, he and Jin started to cook dinner while the rest of us picked a movie and got everything set up. I am almost positive that this was supposed to be a boy's night but Jin knows how it would leave me out so he invited me. However, they picked a scary movie knowing good, and well I hate those. I sat on the loveseat by the window and away from the boys while they started the movie.
Yoongi ended up sitting next to me since there was no room anywhere else. I had a blanket handed to me from Hoseok. "Thank you, Sunshine!" I exclaimed to him.
"You are very welcome, y/n-shi! Anything for you. Do not want you to freeze!" He said before walking off to sit back down.
I was about to cover up when I realized Yoongi was next to me. "Hey, Yoongi, do you want to share this cover with me, in case you get cold or something?"
"Yeah, thank you, Y/n-ie!" He said before taking the blanket and covering himself up.
That nickname is way too familiar...
"Hi, Y/n-ie!"
"Hi, Yoongles! Thank you for keeping your promise, again!" I said as we hugged each other.
*End of flashback*
I knew he looked and acted familiar from somewhere. Then, a familiar voice stopped my thoughts from going further. "Y/n. Y/N!" Yoongi yelled at me, but no one else heard.
"Uhh, yeah... umm. Wh...what is it Yoongi?" I stuttered.
"Nothing, the movie is starting. Are you okay? You seem a little uneasy. Is there something wrong?" He asked. I didn't know what to tell him so I just said,
"Yeah, umm, nothing is wrong. I just don't really favor horror movies but I am okay if you all wanna watch it. I just don't want to be lonely upstairs haha." That wasn't a lie though, because I hate horror movies, but did not want to be by myself knowing Jimin would stay down here.
"Oh, okay. Well if there is anything else you need or have concerns about, I am here," he said with a smile.
The movie started as we were all getting comfy in our spots. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung were on the floor on the blow-up mattress, while Jinnie, Hoseok, and Namjoon were on the bigger couch. I left the couch before the movie started to get the snacks and handed everyone what they wanted and sat back down.
Not even into the first 40 minutes of the movie, I got scared. I jumped and leaned into Yoongi to stop myself from seeing the gore that was occurring.
"Hey, Y/n, are you okay?" He whispered into my ear. It wasn't loud enough for everyone to hear.
I got shivers down my spine. "Uhh... Yeah. So..sorry, I just got scared for a second." I said, still shook up from the scary moment of the guy chasing the girl in the woods and then mysteriously popping up in front of her, getting ready to do whatever to her before I looked away.
This is a reason why I never go in the woods. The first reason was because of Yoongi, my childhood friend who left me and broke a promise, and the second reason was because of anything dangerous in the woods. For example, kidnappers. I continued to watch more scary movies with the boys, and slowly felt drowsy.