I started walking in a different direction and soon heard a crunch of leaves behind me and I was scared instantly. I froze.
"Found you." he chuckled.
"Pl...please ..let.. Let me go.. I pr...omise I did .n..ot see any...anything." I pleaded as I limp...
"Y/n, wake up. You need to get up. Jin is making breakfast right now. The others are about to stuff their faces full and there will be none left for you if you don't hurry!" I heard Namjoon yell from outside my door.
"Okay! I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back before hopping out of bed.
I quickly got dressed before grabbing my phone and heading down the stairs.
When I reached the bottom Jimin came up to me and hugged me, picking me up and swinging me around.
"Aish, Jimin-shi! What are you doing?" I asked him, still being spun in the air.
"I'm hugging my little cupcake this morning. Can't I do that?" He said back.
"Yeah you can but you still too much energy for the morning, plus you are usually up later in the day. Is there something going on?" I asked him, very suspicious of his actions.
"Actually, the boys and I are going out to the carnival since you guys don't have school until next Monday, which gives us around 5 days to hang out. This was an idea we had so go get ready and put something nice in, we are having dinner later." Jin interrupted Jimin, explaining it all.
"Oh okay! I need a shower so I'll hurry up and then I'll come down but first, let me eat the good food." I stated.
I walked over to the counter and sat down, taking the fork in my hand, and started to gobble it up. After I was done, I cleaned my mess up and headed back upstairs.
I walked into my bedroom, grabbing my clothes before heading into the bathroom. I shut the door but left a small crack as the steam would get out and air out the bathroom.
I was in the middle of my shower when I heard the door creak. I ignored it and continued my shower.
I rinsed off, grabbed my towel, and headed towards my room only to be met with the one and only... Jimin.
"Jimin? What are you doing here? I'm trying to get dressed before we go to the carnival!" I asked him, grasping the towel tighter around my body.
"Just tryna get something good from you if you know what I mean~." He said in a seductive tone.
I smacked him and said, "The fuck? Get out you stupid! Stop joking and leave so I can get dressed loser." I said as I laughed.
"Ouch! Ok fine. I really came to tell you that we are ready downstairs except for Yoongi and we won't wake him up cuz we chicken so you will, k thanks bye." He said before I could get any words out of my mouth.
After getting my undergarments on, I decided to wear a cute overall skirt with a white undershirt, and some shoes.
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I got my outfit on, slipped my shoes on, and headed towards Yoongi's room to wake him up.
Sorry for the cliffhanger, guys! I will try to get more chapters in soon so you can enjoy the story. Also, if you are reading this, could you share this story and possibly vote? That would help me a lot! Thanks and have a fantabulous day<333333