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•The Plan•Word count 1609

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•The Plan•
Word count 1609

"You need to eat." Riven told the blonde haired girl sharply. "I'm not hungry." Adelina argued as she slumped down into her bed. "Eat this." Riven tells her sharply as he holds the spoon up to her mouth. "I'm not a child you don't have to feed me and no." Adelina huffs in an annoyed tone. "Here comes the airplane!" Riven yelled playfully as he held the spoon right in front of her mouth. Adelina smacked the spoon out of his hand causing it to fall on the floor. "Bitch." Riven mumbled playfully. Adelina smiled as she tried to hold back laughter. "Woah she smiles! It's a miracle." Riven yells playfully.

Adelina shook her head lightly as she laid back down. She wasn't eating because she was in a lot of pain and her stomach felt like someone was stabbing her. "It hurts." Adelina admits quietly. Riven glances over at her as he sat on the side of the bed. "Can I take a look at it?" Riven asks her softly. Adelina hesitates before nodding her head. Adelina didn't want to look at her injury so she turned her head away. She flinched at the feeling of Rivens soft touch on her stomach as he slowly lifted up her shirt. Adelina turned to look at him to see his reaction. Riven playfully widened his eyes as he pretended to gag. "Shut up! Is it bad?" Adelina asked him sharply as she nudged his arm.

"No..... it doesn't look that bad." Riven lies to her in order to make her feel better. "It Uh...... never mind." Adelina starts to tell him but quickly stops herself. Riven places his hand on her leg causing her to look up at him as her face flushed a dark shade of red. "What were you going to say?" He asked her curiously. "It feels worse than it did before." Adelina admits to him. Riven scooted closer to her in the bed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He was wearing a soft grey shirt Sky brought for him since he smelled like alcohol
from the party. Adelina nervously placed her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes. Riven glanced down at her. She looked so peaceful as she cuddled into his embrace. He didn't understand why he cared for her more than anyone else he had ever met. With her it was like it was different but he didn't want to feel that way so he pushed it away. Rivens thoughts were interrupted by Professor Harvey walking into the room.

"I see that she is asleep." Professor Harvey whispers. Riven nodded his head as he tightened his grip on her as she continued to sleep. "I have to put something on the wound and it will probably wake her up." Professor Harvey warned Riven. Riven nodded as Professor Harvey lifted up her shirt. "It's getting much worse." Professor Harvey mumbled as he grabbed some of his tools. Riven winced at the sight of him putting something directly on the sound. Adelina woke up as she started to screaming in pain. "Shhh.... shhh it's okay." Riven tried to reassure her as he placed his finger on her lips. Adelinas back arched as she screamed in pain. Riven kept his eyes on her as he tried to calm her down. He quickly grabbed her hand so she could squeeze the life out of it again. "It hurts!" She screamed as tears fell down her cheeks. "I know but it's going to be okay." Riven reassured her as he gently caressed her head.

"Just focus on me." Riven told her softly. Adelina nodded her head as she stared into Rivens eyes. His eyes were soft and not filled with desire. Adelina had only seen him like this once before and that was when the burned one nearly killed her. He was terrified for her and she could tell because of his eyes. She felt like she was being stabbed in the stomach again causing her to scream loudly. "Let me tell you a umm... story.... so one time... I snuck into the headmistress office and stole a book on..... fairies and when I opened the book it Uh.... it flew away." Riven stutters nervously as he tries to make up a story. "That's the dumbest story ever." Adelina mumbles playfully as she laughs at him. "Sorry..... that should be good for now." Professor Harvey told her as he quickly placed a bandage on her wound. "Thank you." Adelina tells him weakly. "You are very strong.... just keep hanging in there." Professor Harvey tells her softly before leaving the room. Adelina could still feel Rivens eyes on her. He gently pushed a piece of her hair out of her face causing her to look up at him. Their eyes met sending butterflies through Adelinas stomach.

"Adelina! Oh my gosh! I got caught up in class but I am here now do not worry! Riven? What are you still doing here?" Stella ranted as she entered the room. Riven and Adelina quickly broke eye contact as they turned their attention to Stella. Adelina painfully pushed her body up and gave her friend a weak smile. "How are you feeling?" Stella asked her softly. "Uh as good as I can feel." Adelina tells her weakly. Stella noticed Rivens arm wrapped around Adelina causing a smile to form on her face. "Looks like Rivens been taking good care of you." Stella says playfully causing Riven to quickly pull his arm away from Adelina. "Stella. Can you stay with her for a couple hours? I'm going to go to my room and shower." Riven tells Stella awkwardly as he gets out of the bed. "Sure. I was going to stay with her anyways. Thanks for watching her while I was in class." Stella tells the boy softly.

"No problem." Riven replies back playfully. Riven quickly walked out the door leaving the two girls alone to discuss how cute he was and other nonsense. Riven practically sprinted to his room. "Just in time.... get dressed." Sky tells Riven playfully the second the boy entered the room. Sky was already in his specialists gear. Riven quickly got dressed as the other boy waited for him. "So you and Adi?" Sky asked Riven playfully. "What about me and her?" Riven replies back sharply. "Why don't you date her?" Sky asked him playfully. "Shes  undesirable." Riven replies sarcastically as he slid on his boots. He hated being pestered with a million questions.

"That's some bullshit.....you think she's hot... she just doesn't want you." Sky tells him sharply. "What are we talking about again?" Riven asks him sarcastically as he walks past him. The two boys headed out of their dorm room as they made their way outside. It wasn't dark out yet so they had to be careful not to get caught. "I've never seen you so caught up on a girl." Sky mumbles as they pass by a bunch of first years. "What are you talking about?" Riven asks him sharply. "Normally you fuck any girl you want but ever since you met Adelina you are whipped for her." Sky tells him playfully. "I am not whipped for Adelina. I don't even like her like that. I feel bad because it's my fault she's dying." Riven argues with him. "Okay... whatever." Sky mumbles as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm just saying I like the way you are when you are around her." Sky tells him softly. "I don't act differently around her." Riven replies in a sharp tone. Sky stops talking as they both reached the barrier. "Ready to kill this thing?" Sky asked Riven softly. Riven nodded his head as they both walked through the barrier. They both were silent as they nervously walked away from the barrier and deeper into the woods. They both had their weapons ready as they stared at their surroundings. The sound of a low growling noise sent chills through Rivens spine. The two boys turned around as their eyes landed on a burned one. "What's the plan?" Riven whispered anxiously to Sky. "Improvise." Sky mumbles in response. Sky immediately charged at it and dug his sword into its chest. It seemed unfazed as it started charging at him. Riven wasn't frozen this time around. He stabbed his sword into the back of the monster but once again it was unfazed. "Swords aren't going to kill it!" A female voice yelled. The boys eyes landed on the headmistress. She blasted the creature with her powers causing it to lay lifelessly on the floor.

"Do I want to know the reason why you two are out here?" She asked them sharply. Riven playfully laughed as he nudged Skys shoulder. "Sightseeing." Riven replied playfully. "Aren't you the boy who carried Adelina into my office?" She asked Riven curiously. "We just wanted to kill the burned one to help her." Sky tells her truthfully. "Your intentions were nice but it's against the rules to go past the barrier. I'll see you both in detention and never pass the barrier again." She tells them sharply. They both nodded as they followed her back to the barrier. "Now your girlfriends safe." Sky teased Riven. "She's not my girlfriend ass hat." Riven replied defensively. "Language!" The headmistress yelled at him. "Now you have all the time in the world to flirt with her." Sky tells Riven playfully. "Will you shut up about that?" Riven asked him sharply. Sky shrugged his shoulders as he nudged Rivens arm.

Yay the burned ones dead but Rivens feelings aren't 😮

UNDESIRABLE: Riven {Fate The Winx Saga}Where stories live. Discover now