This statement was given by a person on a discord server of mine
Statement of Void
Concerning the many time they have brushed death.You see, I have always had a connection with death from birth. Being stillborn and brought back quickly. I was considered a miracle till my siblings came. That's when death came into my life again, my soon to be little brother was still born,like me. Again it became a story and one little told but I remember quite clearly for a 2 year old.
Things went simple from there other then me as a child apparently seeing Spirits, but that was brushed off as an over active imagination.
The next time death came for me I had told my mum that we should walk on my 6th hallows eve, I just had this gut feeling we should, she dismissed me, we ended up in a crash. Luckily everyone survived. Though I knew it was impossible for me to have, i did some research and just the way it happened and were I was seated I should have broken my neck instantly.
I had severe pneumonia when I was 11.
asthma formed after a unexplainable heart attack.
Multiple grand Mauls. The list truly goes on for ever.
Death was always so close to Grasping me. It almost became a game to me, it felt like I am dancing with death, him and I doing a sick Tango the crowd watching us to see who falters first. Who gives in to the other.
The only time near now was 4 years ago. In another crash, I was 13 at the time. I was the only survivor, and I was unharmed except for a few minor cuts.:::::::::::::::::
Ok so that was a bit if a short one but it was a given statement so I only slightly edited and added to it, if any of the like 3 of my readers have a paranormal phenomena experience you would be willing to share with me that could possibly become a untold statement, please feel free to DM me! I'd love to hear it!-ash
Statement Begins
Horrorthis is a collection of untold statements of the Magnus institute,