4. Are we friends?

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A week later

Bakugou's POV

    I think it's been about six days since I've been taken by these mother fuckers. I have had an insufferable week. Y/n has come into my room every day and took off my cuffs. As much as I like having my hands free, I hate having to listen to her drone on about the dumbest things. I would say something about it but the last time I did she use her damn quirk.

    I didn't think her quirk would be that effective. She looks like a pretty weak girl. I thought she was the first day I met her. Boy was I wrong. She took me down without her quirk. It's annoying.

From what I've learned, she's easily annoyed, just as she is annoying. I've learned a lot about her over the week because she likes to talk about herself a lot. Whenever she's in my room she just talks my ear off. She must be one lonely girl if she's fine talking to a hostage fun.

"Knock knock!" She chippers as she walks into the room just like every day. She shuts the door and walks over to me. She takes off the cuffs and throws them on the floor, just like every day. "I have something fun to tell you!" She says bouncing herself on the bed.

"What?" I ask in an annoyed tone. She fakes a pout for a moment before shifting her face back into a smile.

"In about a week you'll be able to wander around the house! Isn't that awesome!" She exclaims shaking my shoulder in excitement. I don't see why she's so excited.

"Why? I thought you said they have to 'trust me'" I say mocking her words from a few days ago. She looks at the door and turns back to me. She cups her hand around her mouth and leans into my ear.

"They're going on a mission next week and I'm not going." She whispers in my ear. "It will just be you and me." My eyes widen at her words and she leans back and looks at me. Her face has a big smile and she giggles at her mischievous idea. "That means you can come out of this room!"

    "Why are you letting me go out?" I ask, puzzled. Her smile drops and is replaced with a meaningful look I didn't know villains could have.

    "Well, we're friends. And isn't this what friends do?" She asks. I am beyond shocked at her reasoning. "Are we friends Bakugou?"

    "Hell no we aren't," I tell her harshly. She looks down at her hands in her lap and stays silent. She soon shakes her head and snaps out of her sad moment.

    "Oh well. I just think you should get out for a little bit." She shrugs. She gets up from the bed and picks up the cuffs and puts them on me. She then walks to the door.

    "Where are you going?" I ask. Why is she leaving so early? She usually stays a lot longer. Did I say something?

    "I'm exhausted Bakugou. It's late. Go to sleep." That is all she said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

    What the hell? Is it actually late? I can't see out the window in my room because it is boarded up with wood, making it impossible to see outside. I have no idea if it is actually late or if she just wanted an excuse to leave.


Y/n didn't come to my room the next day. Instead, I was visited by the guy with scars all over his body. Disgusting. He came and didn't say a word. He just stared at me for a few minutes before leaving. Creepy.

Y/n's question from yesterday clouds my mind. Why would she ask that? More importantly, why would she want to be friends? I said no as any normal person would. For whatever reason, I have this weird feeling in my chest. Guilt? Why would I feel guilty? She has to have other friends, so why does she want to be friends with me?

Then I remember why she uncuffs me. "Well, I know how uncomfortable those things can be," she said. Does she know from experience? If she's been here her whole life, why would she ever have a reason to be locked up in these fuckers. I look down at the cuffs and sigh.

God, why does she care? It's so annoying. She's always here keeping me company and being overly nice to me. I thought I was supposed to be a hostage. She acts like I'm just here because I have nothing better to do. The biggest problem about it all is that I can't say I hate it.

I hate to admit it, but it's nice seeing her every day. It kind of hurt when she didn't show up today. No. She's just some damn extra.

I shake off whatever feeling this is and let myself drift asleep.

Villainous Love {Bakugou x reader}Where stories live. Discover now