Author's Note

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So I've been swept up by the ONC train. Yay?

I'm doing some ungodly combination of these prompts:

36. You are Death, and you are obligated to roam the Earth for one week every hundred years to learn about what the humans are up to these days. The problem? You get stuck on Earth during 2020. Definitely not a social hour.

52. The day it started raining venomous spiders, we knew we were in trouble.

57. Death has records of everyone's existence. Exceptaccording to Deathyour records don't exist.

This story is probably going to be a romantic adventure comedy. I say "probably" because, well, I'm kind of winging it, so who knows. This draft is called "This is a terrible idea.doc" in my Google docs for a reason XD

... Enjoy?

UPDATE 2/11/2022:

So, as you have probably surmised, I did not finish this story in 2021. But! I am back and determined to finish it this spring for ONC2022. 

"How will this work?" you ask, since ONCs have to be started after February? Obviously I am not intending to submit this story to officially be judged. HOWEVER, I will be incorporating additional prompts from ONC 2022 into the story (oh yes!) and also participating in #NONC, a user-run ONC alternative with much looser rules! So stay tuned for updates :)

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