Chapter 3 - November

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"So, did you and Chris have fun at the Fall Ball?" Cale's voice came with a childish tease, and I half expected him to make kissing noises as we sprawled across my living room floor.

"Yes, we had fun. But there's no need to say it like that; we're just friends."

"Does Chris know that?"

"Cale, not every male is incapable of having female friends. Some boys are more evolved."

"More evolved?" He let out a laugh.

"So," I raised my voice to redirect attention back to our projects. "I've started fundraising."

"You mean you keep fleecing me of all my money every Tuesday?" He rolled back and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke.

"It's not my fault you have a serious addiction to Sophie's brownies." I shrugged.

"How does she make them so good?"

"Anyway," I tried to focus him again, "I think I'm making good progress. I'm going to reach out to some builders and hardware shops to see if they'd offer a discount since it's for the community."

"So, wait, how does a gazebo help the community?"

"It's for the nursing home lawn so the residents can gather with each other and visitors. Plus, the town can hold community events there to bring the community to the residents."

"Right, yeah, that's a nice idea. I guess I don't understand gazebos. Like you're inside, but still outside. Why? Just pick one."

"Ugh, you're the worst."

"The worst? I have so many titles with you. You better be careful, or I might give Chris some competition."

"There's no competition; Chris and I are just friends."

"Oh, so I have no competition." He raised his eyebrows at me as he spoke.

"Focus, Cale. We've only been concentrating on my project. I don't even know what you're doing."

"Ah, don't worry, Delly; I got this."

"Don't call me Delly, Caleb!" I threw a pillow at him to accent my distaste.

"Okay, okay, but you can help me with my project on Saturday afternoon. Do you have any plans?"

"I was going to call around for donations, but I can do that Sunday. Why? What's up?"

"You'll see. I'll pick you up at 2 pm." He pulled himself from the floor and stretched his long torso. "Why don't we ever use the furniture?"

"I like the floor; I can spread out my binders and..." But before I could finish, my sister burst through the front door.

"Dee, you didn't tell me Cale was here," Cami said as she threw her backpack down and hugged him.

"That's because you just got home. It's nice to see you too, Cami," I shot at her.

"Cale, good to see you again," my dad greeted with an extended hand.

"Afternoon, sir. Delly and I were just finishing up." I had to hand it to Cale; he was very polite to my dad, and my sister had an all-consuming crush on him.

"Why don't you stay for dinner?" My dad asked as their hands dropped.

"Oh, thanks for the offer, but I told my mom I'd be home. It's pot roast night," Cale offered as a reason.

"Well, maybe we'll all come home with you," my dad joked in that embarrassing dad way that made me blush.

"And on that terrible joke, Cale has to get going." I pushed Cale towards the door and away from my family.

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