Saved By The Alpha's Son

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Rae's pov

I've been sat in this car for 6 hours, my foster parents decided to move us from our home in besutiful California to a small town called Lakewood. I don't know why they did, I mean they had everything they wanted back home, they had good jobs, friends and a huge home.

I think thats the only thing that I won't miss, that stupid house oh it was beautiful and I bet your wondering why I hated the house, well imagine having to clean that house everyday and if I didn't get in done by a certain time then I got into trouble.

My foster parents have never really liked me and the feeling is mutual so I've always been confused as to why they fostered me, I guess they just wanted someone to boss around, not only that but my step sister Kate hates me too. But she's just jealous because I get a lot of attention from boys, I'm 5'4 with brown hair and bright green eyes I'm also a freaking werewolf! whereas shes 5'2 and human with pale blond hair and dark brow eyes, she tries to get me in trouble by saying that I sleep around. It's not true I'm still a virgin unlike her who actually does sleep around but I'm tired of trying to say she lying its not as if my foster parents actually listen to me, they think I'm some cheap, lying slut and don't really give a crap about me, so I let them think what they want.

After another half hour we pull up at the new house, I help carry the boxes into the house then Shelly (A/N Shelly is Rae's foster mom) shows me my new room and tells me to unpack. My 'parents' know about me being a werewolf, they also knew that there was a pack here, they know this because Rob's (A/N Rob is her foster dad) brother, Shane is a werewolf too and he's in this pack.

Shane got the alpha to agree to let me stay as long as I help the other women of the pack out when helps needed. I needed to go meet the alpha and his son later though to make sure that I'm not going to be a threat to there pack. Obviously I agreed although I wasn't thrilled that I had to go by myself. I couldn't wait to see Shane, he's nothing like Rob and Shelly, he's kind and caring, he even taught me how to fight in both human and wolf form when he used to come visit.

I sigh and sit down on the cold bedroom floor, I pull a box up to me and look inside, there's a picture of my real parents, some of my paintings and other photo's in this box. I pull out the picture of my parents and put it on the bedside table, I pull the rest of the pictures and paintings out of the box and put them on the wall, then unpack my clothes and put them in the wardrobe.

I have just finished when I hear a knock at the front door

"Rae get down here thats Shane he's taking you to the alpha!" Shelly shouts and I groan but get up, okay here goes. I look in the mirror to see if my hair and clothes are okay which they are, then I run downstairs, shout bye to Shelly then walk outside.

"Hey Rae!" someone shouts and I look to my left to see a smiling Shane

"Hey Shane" I say, he laughs and we walk to his car

"So are you ready to meet the alpha?" he asks me, at first I don't answer I'm really nervous about meeting him but I know that I'm ready

"Yup" I say popping on the 'p' Shane laughs so I give him a shaky laugh back. We drive in silence for the rest of the trip and as soon as we pull into the driveway we climb out of the car. You could probably feel the tension rolling off of me, I was so nervous it made Shane nervous too.

He takes me to the alpha's office, when we walk in everyone turns to stare. Shane bows his head respectfully so I copy him

"Alpha this is Rae Pensly" Shane says and everyone looks at me

"Okay lets get to it then, my son should be here soon but until then why don't you sit down Rae" I sit on the chair he motioned too

"Thank you Alpha" I say quietly

"So Rae, when was your first shift?" Alpha Jordan asks

"When I was eleven" I see alpha jordan's eyes widen

"Eleven?!" I nod and Shane steps closer to me

"Alpha, I thought the same thing when I went to visit a few years ago and I could smell werewolf on her, I was really shocked" Alpha Jordan was shaking his head

"Did your first shift hurt?" he says, and I have to think back

"No, it didn't hurt, I just heard this loud screech and then I was a wolf" I tell them and hear some people in the room gasp

"That is extraordinary, who are your parents?" I drop my eyes to the floor

"I don't know they died when I was three" I feel as though I'm about to burst into tears

"Who do you live with?" one of the other wolves asks

"She lives with my brother and his wife" Shane says with obvious hate in his voice

"Oh well may..." Alpha Jordan was cut off by someone walking in the room

"Sorry I'm late" the person says, I look up and see its a guy, a really hot guy actually

"Ah, Dane nice of you to join us" Alpha Jordan says

"Sorry" Dane mumbles

"Never mind Dane this is Rae, Rae this is Dane" I look at the boy and notice his blue eyes, they are absolutely gorgeous the kind of eyes you can get lost in. Dane holds his hand out and I shake it, as soon as we touch it feels like electricity is surging through my skin. I look at him with wide eyes and see that he is staring at his hand in shock. We both look at each other and whisper the one word that binds us together "Mate"


Hey Guys

Sorry if its not very good it does get better I promise and I will make it longer next time

Hope you liked it!



Kayde <3

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