Chapter Sixty

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Charlie's eyes opened slowly, her head throbbing almost immediately as she felt the pressure from whatever had hit her in the head hours before

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Charlie's eyes opened slowly, her head throbbing almost immediately as she felt the pressure from whatever had hit her in the head hours before. She didn't know what was used to hit her, but whatever it was had clearly been hard enough to possibly give her a concussion. She didn't know how long she'd been knocked out, but it was clearly long enough for someone to drag her into an unknown place and tie her up so she couldn't get away.

Beginning to look around, she noticed she was alone in the dimly lit room she was put in. There was a handkerchief bundled up and wrapped in her mouth, preventing her from being able to scream. It was also tied super tight, tight enough to hold her mouth open wide enough to the point it began to strain. She was in pain, and to try and stop the pain Charlie began to try and get herself out of the binding, realizing her hands and feet were tightly tied to the chair.

They weren't just regular ties, either. They were good knots, showing that whoever had done this clearly had practice. Whether it be that they had done this before, or they had practice from boy or girl scouts or another type of thing that would teach them to do knots. She wiggled her wrists around, only resulting in pain as redness began to course through her hands and arms. She winced as she continued trying, knowing if she just sat there it'd just give whoever was doing this to her an advantage.

It was then she realized not only was she tied at her hands and feet, but her chest was secured tight, but not with the rope used for her hands or feet. She looked closely, her blurry eyes focusing to see a small chain wrapping around her body numerous times to make sure she was secured to the chair with no way of setting herself free. This caused her body to go limp.

How had this person even get this type of chain? How had they managed to tie her up like this? And most importantly, how long had she been stuck in here and was she ever going to escape?

Deciding to at least get a good look around, she was horrified at the sight she saw. There were photos everywhere, littering each and every wall almost. Whoever had done this had spent plenty of time watching her and her friends, starting back from way before she'd even gotten close with Ren.


Wiggling around to see if she could feel if her phone was in her pocket, her heart dropped as she realized it wasn't. She remembered then that whenever something had been hit over her head, she'd had her phone in her hand, therefore the person must've done something with her phone. There was no way of contacting Ren, Jade, or any of her other friends to let them know she was in dire need of help. Who knew if they even knew she was missing, let alone looking for her.

Getting a closer look at the photos on the wall, she noticed that the photos weren't just of her and her friends. There were photos of Louise long before she'd gone missing, showing whoever had kidnapped Charlie had some type of weird obsession with the Bauman girl. This meant whoever did this to Charlie was clearly the same person, and that meant whoever failed at kidnapping Louise had successfully kidnapped Charlie.

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