Chapter Forty Five

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The two teenagers didn't say anything, but just stood in complete eerie silence as they stared at the words written in lipstick on Charlie's mirror

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The two teenagers didn't say anything, but just stood in complete eerie silence as they stared at the words written in lipstick on Charlie's mirror. Finally, Ren looked over at Charlie to see tears  clouding her vision, her hand over her mouth as she could barely believe what she was seeing. "Char-"

"She's alive, it's gotta be her." Charlie quickly cut Ren off as soon as he tried to speak, only causing him to clamp his mouth shut in shock.

Of course, this wasn't proof that it was Louise. They were simply assuming and thinking it was her due to the fact that she's been missing, and who else would have written this note on her bedroom mirror?

"I knew it. I knew from the moment we began looking for her- that day she saved me from my asthma attack that she was still alive, just hiding somewhere." Charlie shook her head, looking to her boyfriend who only looked at her in sadness. "There's nobody else it could be, Renfrow."

"But we still can't just skip straight to assuming that it's Louise. It could've been whoever's stalking us, pretending to be her." Ren tried to reason, only wanting to weight out their options. "What if it was the stalker hoping you'd go looking for her alone, so you could be next? There's so many options here, Charls."

"But why? They could have kidnapped me, if that were the case. Whoever did this knew I was alone, and if their intentions were bad or evil, I wouldn't be here right now. They just wanted to give us a warning, a sign - it's gotta be Louise." Charlie shook her head, not even stopping to consider Ren's option.

Ren stayed quiet, knowing she had a point. If the person wanted to take Charlie, they wouldn't have coaxed her out of her house, they would have just came in and kidnapped her like they tried to do the first time - especially since they knew she was here alone.

"What do we do with this, Renny?" Charlie asked, her voice softer than before.

"I don't know," Ren answered honestly, shaking his head as he repeatedly glanced from his girlfriend to the mirror in front of him. "What can we do?"

"Take a photo, we can match the handwriting to Louise's and make sure that it's actually her." Charlie decided, nodding to herself. "Someone's got to have her writing somewhere, from a previous project or homework sheet."

"Tyler might," Ren spoke, doing as the Charlie told him to, taking a photo of the bedroom mirror.

"True." Charlie finished throwing her socks and shoes on. She straightened her hair, knowing she didn't really have time to dry and brush through it. She'd just let it dry naturally, something she mostly did whenever she knew she had nowhere to go.

This wasn't one of those times, as she definitely had somewhere to be - she just didn't really care about how she looked. The only person she'd want to impress was standing right next to her, and he'd already seen her a mess plenty of times. Plus, they had other things to tend to.

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