Chapter Forty Six

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"I completely forgot we made plans," Ren spoke with soft eyes as he made a pout toward his girlfriend

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"I completely forgot we made plans," Ren spoke with soft eyes as he made a pout toward his girlfriend. Charlie - who was completely devasted as this was the second or third time this week, only faked a smile as she waved her boyfriend off.

"It's okay, Renny. Go have fun with your friends." She pursed her lips, the sadness filling her insides as she couldn't help but feel as if she wasn't important enough for him the way she had been before they got the bad news that he couldn't stay together anymore.

He just sent her a smile, the pout completely gone off of his face as he leaned forward, giving her a light peck on the lips. With that one last kiss, Ren was out of sight. Charlie just watched where he had previously been with a sad look, before turning back to her locker to continue back to what she had been doing before getting the news that Ren couldn't hang out with her after school they way they had planned to.

Charlie knew she wasn't the only person in his world. She knew he didn't always have to be around her. Considering nothing has happened in days with Louise, her not giving one sign and nothing creepy has happened with anyone - Ren's been hanging out with his popular friends again. Of course, he still hangs out with Charlie, just not the way he did when all the group did was focus on what happened to Louise.

This meant Charlie was probably going to have to walk home, considering Ren was usually her ride home and the late bus was already gone, along with all of her other friends. Her mother probably wasn't home, and even if she was Charlie wasn't in the mood to bother her. She didn't want to explain to her that Ren forgot about their plans, because her mother could easily read her and would be able to tell how upset she was about it.

And that was not a conversation Charlie wanted to get into with her mother.

The sunlight blinded Charlie almost immediately as she opened the double doors to the entrance to the school, the emptiness eerie. She was so used to the school being filled with bodies, that it being so empty it began to give her chills. She didn't let it cause her to overthink, though, and instead she just continued to walk through the parking lot as she blasted her music through her earbuds.

Charlie didn't get very far, however, when someone had grabbed onto her upper arm to catch her attention and startled her. She turned to just see that it was Trystan, the boy laughing at her reacted as she yanked her earbuds out of her ears, rolling her eyes as he only found her irritance funnier.

"What do you want, Trystan?" She asked, pausing the music on her phone.

"I just want to know why you're walking when you're house is like... fifty miles from here?" He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Also, my car's right there." He nodded his head to the right, and Charlie glanced over to see that his car was only a few feet away from them.

"My house isn't like fifty miles from here. Feels like it, but it isn't," Charlie mumbled, rolling her earbuds around her phone. "And because I have to walk home today."

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