chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I've got it, I've got it!" I wake up to Faith shaking me desperately. "Got what?" I question. I rub my eyes and sit up it's five in the morning and Sunday so we don't have to start until at least after lunch. At least master has a little decency, ha. Saying that is just as much of a lie as saying I'm still pure, a virgin. I'm the main star for the show tonight, so I don't have to many men coming to see me.

" God has answered our prayers he will set us free." I look at her in disbelief. God never answered me he just watched as I suffered. " I already told you I don't believe in God, he doesn't exist, he is utter nonsense, so just stop this stupidity it's just a lie told to children to make the behave and to stop them from ending up like us. So snap out of it and piss off." I yell almost out of instinct, before I role over try to go back to sleep. I am brought back to reality by a pillow hitting me in the head. "Hey! what is the matter with you!" I yell clearly annoyed. I don't want to have hope, I don't want to hear what she has to say because whenever I am promised freedom I am left more dead then I was before.

" I don't care if you don't believe, but I still trust in God. And he has promised to get us out of here, and I've promised you, and I never go back on my word. So please hear me out!" I stare at her astounded before she seemed so quiet, so innocent, like anything can break her. I even think I heard her cry when i told her to piss off. But now she seemed strong and sure. I continue to stare at her still in shock, amazed that after what has happened to her she still stands strong in faith to the one who betrayed her.

"I'm sorry, I know you have been through allot and your faith has broken and you don't know that you can trust me. But I can't stand to see you suffer anymore and i know i have only just met you but I believe you are the reason that God has sent me here." "Sent you here?" I ask not sure if I really want to hear her answer. "Never mind that, just listen to my plan please I beg of you."

Faith's POV

Be patient you still have time. I heard a still small voice say in my head I can't deny it it is hard to hold on to my faith with what has happened to me so far, and with Delphie continuously questioning my faith. Yet I am given strength in my weakest times. That's why I named me Faith after all so I can stay strong on the Path that God has chosen for me, well someone told me that when I found God. Although I never thought that following his path would wind me up in this brothel, but at least now I see why I am here to save Delphie. That's why I have to stay strong to help Delphie out of this disgusting brothel. Just as she saved me from 'master'. I look up to see Delphie staring at me in almost as though amazed at something. But that changes quickly. "I don't need your stink-en god, as I told you before he is nothing but a myth that brings pain and suffering. I believed once but before long I realized the the only way to make it through this life is to do it on your own. I suggest you snap out of your perfect little fairy tale, if you are gonna survive here." She yells glaring at me.

Darn it. Why is she so stubborn? Why won't she just listen to me. I can't take it anymore. Doesn't she want to have a chance out of this place. I feel Anger starting to boil in my stomach, like lava in a volcano. I'm sick of this. "Shut up, just shut up!" I scream, amazed that I have done so. " You don't know anything about me, my isn't perfect, it's not some happy little fairy tale. You have no idea what kinda hell I've been through." I take a deep breath thinking of the past makes me want to sink into a hole, just to curl up and cry. "I never had a home, my mother was a beggar and pick pocketer, she used to say that I was just an accident, but she soon found a use for me I was the distraction when she used to steel. Later on she met someone who promised he would love her and look after her. She didn't want me to be a problem so I was left on the street. The only person in my life who I thought loved me abandoned me." I look up to see that Delphie's bitterness has almost disappeared. Taking in a deep breath I continue my story. "I was on the street for about two years or more begging for just a crum of food or some money to get by. Until I begged this man for something to eat, he told me that he could not for he to is struggling to feed himself let alone his family, but he gave me the greatest gift of all, Jesus' love. He came to see me for about a month. But he had stop coming suddenly and I later discovered that he had died from the cold nights." A tear streamed dawn my face hitting the wooden ground beside my foot, it echoed through the silent room. I feel Delphie's arms wrap around me, just before I crumble to the floor. " So I suppose you can guess the rest."

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