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Tossing my toiletries bag onto the bed, I picked up my hairbrush and pulled it through my freshly washed and dried hair. The hot water mixed with the fresh air from earlier combined to make me tired. However, there were too many questions bouncing around in my head to sleep just yet and I was determined to get answers before either of us could sleep. The drive back to the lake house had been silent and allowed me time to think over my argument with River, and my time in the shower had helped to work up the nerve to confront him head on. 

Setting my brush back down, I approached the closet doors. Drawing them back, I came face-to-face with a variety of River's shirts. I ran my fingers over the variously colored cotton clothes before settling on one of his flannels. Pulling it from its place, I bit my lip as I looked it over. Placing the empty hanger back in the closet, I slipped it on and rolled up the sleeves as I made my way to the stairs.

River sat on the couch in a t-shirt and sweatpants, feet propped up on the coffee table and laptop in lap. He was hunched down, obviously focused as he rested his hand against his face, index finger above his upper-lip and resting his other fingers against his chin. His eyes glanced up as I entered the kitchen and popped a bagel into the toaster.

"Stealing from my closet now, I see." River said, eyes trained back onto his laptop

"I thought it looked good on me." I said, spreading butter on my toasted bagels. "Besides, don't girlfriends wear their boyfriends clothes?"

River smirked behind his hand, "But you're my fiance."

"And how does that change my point?" I asked.

River shrugged but his smirk remained present, obviously catching onto my ploy and refusing to give straight answers. Biting my inner cheek, I glared at him, knowing I'd have to be more persistent. Taking my plate, I moved to seat myself on the couch beside him.  As I placed my plate on the coffee table, River put his feet down and sat forward as he swiped one half of my bagel. I glared at him as he took a bite before looking at me.

"What?" He questioned mockingly, "I thought we were sharing things now, my darling fiance."

I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh as I picked up what remained of my late night snack. I stared at it as I chewed my bite, scrambling to come up with any form of conversation I could think of to lead to my questions. River silently finished his half and clicked away on his laptop. I curiously leaned over, attempting to get a look at his screen and being greeted by the pictures he had taken this afternoon.

"Are those from this afternoon?" I questioned, pulling one of my legs up under me and a pillow onto my lap.

River nodded and turned the computer so I could see several of the photos, "Figured I'd get ahead of things and get some edits done before sending them off to be published."

"You're pretty good with a camera." I offered softly, picking at one of my nails

River's brows knit together in surprise as he looked at me, "Wow."

"What?" I said defensively.

"You must really want something if you're complimenting me right out." He said with a smirk.

"What makes you think I want something? Can't I just give you a compliment?" I rolled my eyes and defended.

"Considering that's the first compliment you've ever given me, no." River said pointedly

I scoffed, "And what could I possibly want from you?"

"How about the answer to why I kissed you earlier? Or how you're wondering what we are, just like all girls seem to wonder." River said

Curling up into myself, I looked at my lap and absentmindedly traced the patterns on the top of the pillow in my lap. I hated being so vulnerable, and River had just read me like an open book. Everything in me was screaming to get up and run, to just go to bed, but I wanted answers. River set his laptop on the coffee table and balanced his elbows on his knees, folding his hands together in front of him as he looked at me expectantly. 

"You said you weren't treating me like the girls you can throw away at a party -" I trailed off

"Well yeah, because they're easily amused and you're not." River said and I glared at him in annoyance, "What I mean is, you're more deserving of respect."

"How is flirting with other girls respecting me?" I questioned, frustration bubbling up again.

River rubbed his face and groaned, "Are you really that jealous?"

"I don't know where we stand and you were the one who kissed me earlier! And if kissing me means nothing to you then how am I any different than the girls you carelessly throw away at parties?" I pushed

"Kissing you does mean something!" River explained through his frustration

"Then what are we?" I asked directly.

The hurt and confusion were evident on my face as River looked over my features in silence. River's eyes softened as he reached out and cupped the side of my face. It was the same look he had given me on the boat. I closed my eyes as his fingers made their way to the back of my neck and rubbed soothing circles against my tense muscles. Forcing my tired eyes open, I looked at him.

"Kissing you does mean something." River said calmly.

"Then what are we?" I breathed, "I know everyone believes I'm your fiance, but what about when it's just you and me?"

River's hand behind my neck pulled me towards him. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, a gesture he'd never done before. His facial expression remained soft as he looked over my features. My heart beat nervously against my rib cage as I waited for his response.

"I find you infuriating, Lakyn." River whispered softly, "You're stubborn, short tempered, sarcastic, intelligent, beautiful, and I find myself attracted to you."

Searching his eyes, I knew he was being genuine. A wave of relief washed over me as a smile pulled at the corners of my mouth. Leaning into him, I steadied myself with a hand pressed against his chest as I went for a kiss. I laced my fingers through his, still slightly damp from the shower, hair. 

Abruptly pulling away in the middle of our kiss, I looked at him, "Just making sure we're clear here, I don't want you flirting with other girls."

Affectionately tucking my loose pieces of hair behind my ears so they framed my face, he said, "The only girl I plan on flirting with is you."

My heart beat increased as the butterflies in my stomach fluttered at his words. As he closed his cool blue eyes and leaned in, River Aken stole my breath away.


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