Conditions & Cars

15 1 0

I leaned back against the arm rest, pillow behind me, and legs stretched out and crossed over one another. River sat on the opposite side of the large couch I was perched on, slouched into the couch. His face was neutral as he stared at the television screen. I'd invited him over to watch a movie, kind of as a date in a way. But as I hugged the large bowl of popcorn meant for the two of us, my mind wandered back to my ulterior motives as Elaina's and Lydia's voices both reminded me just how little I knew of this man.

"You know, if you keep eating portion sizes like that, the media might get the wrong idea. Or worse, you might not fit in your wedding dress." River spoke

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, because that'd hold up the whole wedding and is just be terrible."

He sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "What do you want?"

"What do you mean, 'what do I want'?" I asked, scrunching my nose up in confusion

His said "Usually movie dates include being close to someone, that and actually liking them. We aren't in public so there's no cameras here. So what do you want?"

"Can't I just enjoy a movie date with my fiance?" my voice dripped with sarcasm

His face was un-amused and stoic as I popped another piece of popcorn into my mouth. He waited, eyes steadily trained on me. Sighing, I propped myself up more, preparing myself for likely the most painful conversation of my life. 

"A list on your phone isn't gonna cut it anymore." I started, "And we both don't want this wedding so we might as well figure something out while also making our parents happy."

He held my gaze for a while, face neutral as he contemplated what I had just said. Likely he was weighing the duty and stress that had been placed on our shoulders. Breathing out a sigh, he closed his eyes and nodded.

"What do you wanna know?" He asked, a defeated look crossing his features

"It's not that simple." I shook my head, "We need a solid and well planned out strategy to satisfy our families, the media, the other families, and the public so we can find a way out."

"Our families won't be an issue, they already know it's an arranged marriage. We just have to watch for staff, the public eye, and the other families." River said

I winced as he mentioned that our families knew about the arranged marriage. Easton's face flashed through my mind as the guilt struck a chord in me. How could our parents expect us to lie to one another. He was my little brother and the only person I had who understood the struggles that came with our last name.

River squinted at me, "What was that?" 

"Easton doesn't know." I said quietly, looking over my shoulder.

"Your parents didn't tell him you're engaged? He oughta know now that it's public." River reasoned

"No, he thinks we've been dating behind his back." I said, choosing my words carefully as I remember the night at the auction.

River rubbed at his face, groaning, "Well that just makes things so much easier."

I rolled my eyes, "My mother has it stuck in her head that you two are going to have some brotherly bond." I sighed and continued, "But knowing my brother, I have to agree with her that you two spending time together would be a good idea, if not for our parent's satisfaction but for public image while we're out."

"Wouldn't want my supposed to be brother-in-law glaring at me in every photo we take at gatherings." River sighed, contemplating it. "What am I even supposed to do with a fifteen year old?"

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