Wrapped in White

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I stood in front of the three paneled floor-length mirrors in an ivory slip dress and robe. My hair was pulled back into a messy bun that allowed wisps to brush against my cheeks and tickle my lashes. I breathed as Mr. Sarto meticulously took down my measurements using his sewing tape.

"I still feel a ballgown with a long flowing train would make the perfect statement of 'bride'." My mother's reflection said as she sipped her wine glass.

I rolled my eyes, "If you had it your way, the dress would be so large I'd never fit through the doorway of a chapel."

She frowned at my comment, "This is a big day and a big deal for our people and our families."

"And for you and River." Alivia Aken added, saving my mother's mistake as Mr. Sarto's assistants murmured among themselves.

"Yes -" My mother corrected herself, "A very big and life changing day all around. Let's not forget all eyes will be on you two, and I couldn't think of anyone better than the Mr. Sarto to personally design an original creation."

"More crinoline?" Mr. Sarto inquired, looking between me and my mother, "Provides a tier of elegance as you float down the aisle."

"Exactly! You will be poised, elegant, -" My mother rattled on whimsically

"We don't rule a monarchy, Mother. I'm not a princess -" I cut her off.

Her face twisted in distaste, "With how many people live under our protection and the Aken family's protection, it takes up a substantial portion of Dowrden. And who's going to be incharge of caring for them? You. Honestly, Lakyn, this childish attitude and stubbornness needs to come to an end."

My mother rolled her eyes as she took another long drink from her wine glass. Her words had bit into me as I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. My eyes briefly caught the sad and soft smile that Mrs. Aken threw my way in the mirror as Mr. Sarto adjusted my posture and pose for him to continue with measurements around my waist.

"You know what?" Alivia Aken attempted to lift the tension in the room, "I'd love to see you in something more fitted. Perhaps a mermaid dress or something along the trumpeted style?"

"Something to accentuate those curves!" Elaina happily chirped with a devious smile, "Show a little skin."

"We don't need a scandalous wedding." My mother snipped

"What's so scandalous about showing some shoulder?" Mrs. Aken grinned, "Besides, I'm sure we all know how much my son likes to show off what he's got."

Mr. Sarto's eyes lit up, "Tight, lifted bodice and flared bottom makes for a mature and womanly look."

Mr. Sarto snapped his fingers as his assistants pulled dresses from the mobile rack they had brought. I was whisked from the mirrors to the side as they helped me step into the mermaid style dress. The moment all the buttons were done up, I waddled my way in front of the mirrors again.

Shaking my head, "If it were any tighter, I'd be flopping down the aisle like a fish out of water. It's impossible to walk in."

"Oh for goodness sake! Just let Mr. Sarto do his magic and I'm sure it'll turn out beautiful." My mother said while scrolling through her phone, "Not to mention we still have so much left to do and outings to be had."

"The wedding isn't for another nine months." Elaina piped in, "And the whole point of a wedding is eyes on the bride. Don't you think this should be a little more important?"

A heavy tension and hushed silence fell over the room as my mother slowly looked up from her phone screen. Mr. Sarto's team had even halted their note taking and combing through the rack of dresses that they had brought. With a resounding click, my mother locked her phone and a tight grimace of a smile plastered itself onto her lips. She hadn't appreciated being called out; not one bit.

"Of course it's important. It's my daughter's wedding day." My mother cooed in feigned sweetness, "You'll have to forgive me. My mind is elsewhere on the other million things we have left to accomplish before the wedding. Might we wrap this up, if you have all your measurements, Mr. Sarto? I have a meeting in a few moments and wouldn't want to miss my daughter trying on any other wedding dresses."

The false sincerity had lulled the tension in Mr. Sarto and his team as they obliged to begin packing up from our first session. One of the assistants helped me out of the impossibly tight dress while the other began packing up swatches of fabrics and lace. My mother approached me as I wrapped the silken robe around myself and gave me a tight hug before carrying on to thank Mr. Sarto for his time. While the fitting itself appeared to be over, the message was clear in my mother's eyes. This was far from over and we would be discussing this later.

The evening brought with it a tense argument before dinner and a feigned migraine to avoid any more of my mother's callous attitude throughout that evening's dinner. The hot shower gave little respite from the weight and stress of my mother's words. As I pulled my brush through my hair, a notification dinged on my phone, reminding me I was to join River at his college the following day. I rolled my eyes and flipped the screen over. I needed time to mentally prepare for another public outing.


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