
19 3 1

The midday heat beat down as I stood there waiting for River. I looked from my watch to the door of the little coffee shop. He'd been in there for nearly half an hour. Peering in through the front window, I could make out River's figure standing by the table that held the sugar packets and spices. 

His usual charming grin was in place as he spoke to a short and rather busty brunette, looking like a lion ready to go in for the kill. He took her phone, more than likely giving her his number. I rolled my eyes at how unashamed he was to be flirting in public when the tabloid he tipped off could show up any minute. 

He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as he passed her phone back. Involuntarily, my hand reached up towards my face, hesitating as I felt my soft locks glide between my fingers. My mind wondered what it would feel like to have a man do such a motion for me. As the door swung open, I shook my head and ran my hands through my tresses and straightening my jacket as River followed an elderly couple through the door. The charming facade he had held inside fell to a thin and tight smile as he handed me a large cup. 

"Glad to see you're unabashed to flirting with other women while your fiance waits outside." I spoke lowly.

"Do I sense a bit of jealousy?" River smirked

"Hard to be jealous when there isn't much to be offered in the first place." I snipped back

"Believe me, doll, you're hardly what I would've wanted in a fiance." River bit back with a glare

Rolling my eyes, we walked, his footsteps and the clicking of my heels against the pavement being the only sound as we continued our stroll. Perhaps heels weren't so ideal for such a casual date. Taking a sip, I slowed, surprised as a familiar favor combination met my taste-buds. 

"What's in this?" I asked

"Iced Macchiato with three pumps caramel, two pumps toffee nut, and two pumps hazelnut." River rattled off

My jaw hung open in astonishment, "But how did you-?"

"My people do their research." River said

"Ah! How romantic. Every girl's dream is to be cyber stalked." my voice dripped with sarcasm

"There's quite a few girls who would find being cyber stalked by yours truly as flattering." River smirked, "And if I had to guess, you know absolutely nothing about me."

"And that's just how I'd like to keep it." I smugly shot back, "It doesn't take fancy flash cards for me to already know you're a pompous, womanizing brat."

"Don't flatter yourself too much, doll." He said, holding up his phone, tapping the back cover with a smug smile. "I'm looking for the fastest way out of this marriage deal so don't go getting your hopes up that I'd consider wasting my time learning some useless facts about you when I'll be off at the lake or beach house in no time with you only being a distant memory."

His words bit, causing my pace to slow as we entered the small park. I looked over his face, searching for any form of guilt or remorse for his words. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that his expression held neither, he was River Aken after-all. He was the embodiment of everything I hated, self-centered people. The cool stone that weighed on my left hand stood as a stark reminder that I'd be tied down to such a person for the rest of my life, unwillingly none-the-less.

River's hand clasping mine thrust me from my thoughts back to reality. The sight of our fingers intertwined made my stomach roil with disgust and distaste as I internally begged, pleaded, and prayed that River would actually find some way out of this. The sooner, the better too. 

He tilted his head back, finishing what was left of his coffee. Thinking on it, I didn't even know his favorite order or anything about him other than what college he goes to and that he was a year older than myself. 

Tossing his empty cup into the trash can, he turned to look at me, charming facade held firmly in place; that was, until his eyes met mine. A look of confusion and frustration crossed his face as his brows furrowed together. He lifted my hand and brushed his lips across my knuckles, a loving gesture to those who saw us, but his eyes held a deep and unspoken warning about pulling myself together.

"What's wrong?" River attempted a sweet and concerned voice through gritted teeth, "People are watching us and there's a photographer around here."

Attempting a small smile, a wicked idea came to mind. My lips tugged into a smug smile. If River wanted to make my life a nightmare and speak to me the way he had, then who's to stop me from doing the same. The look of confusion on his face only solidified my decision. 

"My feet hurt." I said, offering a slight pout

"What?" River raised a brow

"My feet hurt from walking in these heels." I said

"Well what do you want me to do about it? It's your fault you chose to wear heels." River snipped back

"Carry me." I said smugly

River's face fell, completely un-amused, "No."

"Ah, ah, ah!" I cut him off, my grin only growing, "There's cameras around, remember?"

Plastering on a thin lined grin, "I'm not some show pony." River bit back

"Oh, but it'd do wonders for our public image as a couple." I batted my lashes at him

I knew I had him cornered. He let out a deep and heavy sigh as he turned around so his back was towards me and crouched to my height. Slipping off my heels, I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. He looped his arms and hands under my thighs and glanced back over his shoulder.

"I really hate you." he said through gritted teeth, "And your feet stink. Get those out of my face."

"I know you love me." I smirked and planted a big kiss on his cheek for good measure, "And they don't stink to me. My brother's are far worse. Now let's enjoy the rest of this walk in the park, shall we?"

River's eyeroll was practically audible and it took everything in me not to giggle at his slight discomfort and annoyance.

"How much do you weigh?" River asked

"Like 133 or 134 pounds" I said

"Nuh-uh. No way. You've gotta be more. You're like a whale." River shot back

Smacking him upside the head and receiving a much deserved 'ow' in response, I said, "Maybe you're just slacking. I've heard all that drinking and partying is horrible for ones figure."

"I am not slacking off in the gym!" River bit back

"Whatever you say, flabby!" I giggled

"Well maybe if you weren't such a whale. I bet a manatee weighs less than you." River said

"I will have you know I do kickboxing. Muscle weighs more than fat." I snipped

"Sure baby beluga." River smirked and received another smack upside the head.


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