Chapter 25

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Liam had no clue of what was going on Zayn's head. He was confused. He will definitely go but... but what is it for? He was very eager. He didn't want to spoil it if it's some surprise for him. Should he call Zayn and ask already? No, that will do no good. As if Zayn was gonna say a word about it.

The day passed by and then came the moment of revelation. Liam got dress up in the best of clothes cause you never know what that guy is up to. He reached Zayn's place and pressed the bell outside and awaited for someone to come up but no one did. It was silent. Not a voice was being heard. Liam tried to open the door and as he pushed it, it opened up. Why was the door opened like this? It was all so awkward. Getting inside the room, it was all dark except a dim light. He shouted Zayn's name but no, no one answered. Liam was afraid. Is Zayn ok? What is something happened-?


Liam jumped away from the place he was standing.

"Wth. Do you people have planned to kill me today? "

Niall, Louis and Harry, all were present along with Zayn.

"Btw what is all these for? "

"You successfully recovered. So we thought of planning a small dinner party. "

"As crazy as it sounds. "

They all sat in the terrace. A dim yellow light made the most soothing atmosphere. They all laughed and joked about various things, various reasons and memories of different variants. A glass of red wine held in everyone's hand. Zayn had a plan today, discussed thoroughly with Niall.

Zayn called Liam inside the room for he had something important to give. A gift precious to Liam, something he had never thought of. Zayn handed over a picture of Liam with Karen, framed into perfect white border.
A smile lit up Liam's face. There was no sign of fear anymore. There was, but, a look of care and love and happiness.

"That's the sweetest gift I will ever get. Thank you sunshine."

Zayn looked up at Liam, shocked about what he had just said. He knows Liam can be this extra even when he doesn't want to be. But what just escaped his lips was unpredictable. Did he just really use the word or was he imagining things?

"Zayn, do you hear me? "

"Huh! Yeah I do. Thank you"

Zayn said with a bright smile lighting up his face.

"Will you go with me home today? We can put the picture up together"

"I will but right now let's go to them. "

They both walked back where others were standing. Niall leaned against Liam's ears and whispered something. Whatever it was Liam gave a glare, enough to frighten Niall, and then started laughing. Zayn just looked at both of them, jealousy growing to heights but he has learned to hold himself down.

"I am no mood to cook right now so I will make the cup noodles"

"Make the cup noodles. Yeah sure make it". Louis burst into laughter.

"Louis, you are hurting me. How bad?"

"Aww... I am so sorry. "

Zayn looked up at Harry who was turning red in anger. He tried to stop himself from laughing but he couldn't.

"Sorry  Harry. I will not flirt with your dearest boyfriend again"

"You dare do it again. "

Zayn walked towards the kitchen, still laughing about it. He was sometimes amused by the two. How can they be this possessive about each other? It doesn't even look cute but it does look cringe. Well he does it too. Whom he is even complaining about when he himself is like that.

They all stood in the middle of the room having dinner, talking and telling things which doesn't make sense sometimes. But it's there thing now. The inside jokes, the subtle teases every thing make them. A beautiful evening and the perfect people. That's all you need to enjoy.

Zayn unconsciously placed his hands on Liam's lower back. He looked into his eyes and gave a smile.

"You are ok? "

"I am"

He has done so much just to hear this words from Liam. He is ok. From now each day he will be better and better. And Zayn couldn't want for more.

Finally I am back. Sorry for the delay. I had exams and I had to focus on studies so I couldn't update. But here it is for you again.

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