Chapter 1

539 24 12

Zayn Malik

The door slammed shut behind him. Frustration written straight up in his face, he threw himself up the the large couch in the living room. The day has been tiring it's true. It is not easy to work as an employee of a multi-national company with all the workloads entangled with it. Above all the visits to the psychiatrist, who brings the same questions up again an again, are no less a reason of irritation. He keeps on getting forced to bring back memories he has been trying to erase since years. Zayn sometimes feels like running away far, far where he hopes to find peace and calm which lacks in his life. He needs an escape.

The eyes were now shut running through all the activities Zayn has done today. He has to make a presentation to be submitted by the next week. It's a large project for the company and he has no intention to disappoint . After all if the company gains profit it will act as his profit too. His mind hesitated a bit but could not stop hovering towards the session today. The psychiatrist asked the same question over again and like every time he set on the blank look in his face to avoid it . He did not want to answer any of them. But he has been given a date again for a visit and he cannot skip otherwise Louis, his best friend is to shout the heck up and he won't be able to tackle with it, he knows. So, this leaves out no option but to keep on with the visits until he runs out of all the mysterious and uneasy feelings that linger in him.

The sound of a loud thunder woke him up of the dream he might have been dreaming. A slight smile lit up his face. He knew it was a dream but it was beautiful. He did not want to let it go. It was gone as a dream but stayed with him as the smile and a memory. He moved towards the window, a large glass pane covered by the yellowish curtains. He removed it and stood there, near the window looking up at the sky that seemed to pour down heavily. He admired the waters set on the the glass. The smell of the wet ground that was waking up the soul within him. He was enjoying it today after months of putting up that fake smile . All the pains seemed to ebb away naturally, fading away with the wind. Although it was temporary it was a phase he wanted to cherish because it won't be with him the next day he wakes up ,he knows.

The man seemed to have done some magic in Zayn. He couldn't but smile at his thoughts now. It was weird because he was his friend . He did not want to feel the churns when he looks into the eyes but he cannot resist but drown into the brown eyes with utmost dedication. The face is imprinted in him. The lips to the deep set eyes to the unusually beautiful birthmark in his neck, everything was perfect. He was soft spoken, bore a heart of gold. What more do you need? He wasn't flawless but still perfect.

These thoughts have never impacted negatively. It was long back when he had realized he was not straight and did not quite have problems in accepting the fact. Louis made it sure to make him more comfortable with it and it seemed to work out. He is a true epitome of best friend Zayn knew. He has never left a chance to admire this quality of his. He was grateful for Louis being in his life, really really grateful.

The clock struck 12 and Zayn realized it was late enough for him to sleep. He still smiled a little but the thought of a bad tomorrow did not go away. He lay down in his bed with a soft sigh and went on to sleep until bad might be back again.


It's a new experience writing these stories. But yeah it is enjoyable. Hope you like this part. If you do please leave a vote. :) :)

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