Chapter 8

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Two weeks have passed since the incident. There were usual office days. Liam always decided to make a conversation about the thing that happened with Zayn. But Zayn has been missing. Liam had no clue what was wrong. It made him anxious but he couldn't ask anyone neither can he call Zayn up. He didn't know if Zayn would pick the call up.

Putting all hopes at stake, he decided to call him up. He cannot feel the weird suffocation within him anymore. It was painful.

"Hello, it's Liam here."

It was quite in the other end.

"Hello.... Zayn are you there. Talk to me. "

" ..... Y-yeah I am."

"Why are you not coming to the office? "

"I was just taking a break. I feel a bit tired. But how's your day going, Leeyum? "

"It's fine. I was just a bit worried about you. You haven't shown up to the office for long so... "

"Hahaha... You didn't have to worry about me actually. I am all good. "

The words came out amidst a mixture of pain and calm. Liam was talking to him. How couldn't he but be happy? But there still lay the insecurity. Should he say what he wanted to ask Liam or should he let go? What if Liam rejects it? But, what if he doesn't? His mind was in a conflict. He needed the guts to speak up but the words were stuck in his throat. But he has to be brave enough today. Whatever happens. He won't care. Or probably he will. Well... He will still say it today.

"Hello.... hello... Zayn are you there? "

"Ahhh.. Yeah... Sorry. I was just thinking something. I am extremely sorry".

" What was it that you were thinking about? You can say me if you want. If you don't, it's fine"

"No no it's nothing great. Just... Can I ask you something? "

"Yeah go ahead. "

"Ahhh... How do I?... Well...Ahh... "

"Zaynie just go ahead. You don't need to get nervous. Come on. "

Wait... Did Liam just call him "Zaynie" ? No... It might be him over thinking. But Liam actually did. This is so terrible. Now Liam is making it difficult for him to say what he wants to.

"Zaynie, you again got lost"

"No.. Just... Did you call me Zaynie? "

"Yeah I did. Why? "

"No nothing. "
"Well, you were gonna say me something. "

"Yeah. Leeyum.... will you... willyougooutforadatewithme? "

"What? I didn't understand anything."
"Will You Go Out For A Date With Me Tomorrow? "

Liam was baffled. He doesn't know what to say. Yes.. Or... No. He can't do it. He can't go out for a date. Zayn is his friend. He can't let the relation change. What if Zayn leaves him after he gets to know the truth? What if nothing works out? He doesn't want to destroy the relationship in between them. He is happy Zayn is I  his life. But he can't afford to do this. But then Zayn will be heartbroken if he doesn't accept to go. He doesn't want to do that either. He can't see tears in those eyes which he loves to drown into, secretly though. Probably they are too beautiful to look away from, those hazel orbs, they look like the sweetest honey extracted from the bee hives. How he wishes too keep looking at them... What the hell is he even thinking. Sin... That's like a damn sin to Liam. He shouldn't think in thay way. But should he go or not. Probably he should. Or not......
It's so tiresome to think things sometimes. He doesn't know what to do.

"Can I let you know afterwards Zayn?I need time.. "

"Yeah sure. Take your time. There's no need to hurry. Bye. "

Now he needs to decide what he should do. Go with Zayn or not.

What do you think? Will he go or not?

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