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Everyone had left, leaving only the lads, their girlfriends, Elle and I at Jamie's, still drinking and laughing at stupid jokes of the lads'. We were absoloutely wasted.

"Ey, Katie, bring on more bottle out, will ya?" I asked her as she stood up to go to the kitchen.

"Yes!" The others exclaimed as she brought the new bottle of champagne from the kitchen.

As Katie started pouring the champagne in my expensive glass, Alex came back inside from the balcony, where he had gone to have a smoke. As soon as he saw us, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, trying to understand what was going on.

"Oi, Turner! Come have a glass!" Matt greeted his friend drunkily, slurring his words.

"Oh dear, how much have you all had?" He pinched the bridge of his nose and dropped his eyelids, shaking his head slowly in disappointment.

"Just a little," I shrugged and took a sip, "Not too much," I giggled and made everyone else laugh. Everyone but Alex, who shot me a glare.

"You're not having this," he walked up to me and grabbed the glass, placing it on the table.

"Why?" I whined and crossed my arms with a pout, just like a little kid would do. "Why not drink it like everyone else?" I pointed at the rest of them watching us.

"No one is having any more drinks," he exhaled and grabbed the glasses off of everyone's hands, placing them on the coffee table in front of us.

"Why?" We all raised our tone, groaning like little children.

"Is there anyone else sober in here?" He asked desperately, not waiting for an answer.

"Me," Nick chuckled and raised his right hand while the other was holding Elle's.

"Help me get them to bed," he rolled his eyes and took his leather jacket off, throwing it on the empty spot next to me. As the jacket hit the settee, a strong scent of liquor hit me and made me close my eyes and take it all in. I looked over to Alex who was rolling up his sleeves while he stood in front of me. He looked great, to say the least.

"I take Elle, Matt and Breana. You take Monica, Jamie and Katie," Nick informed him as he stood up from his seat, struggling to let go off Elle's grip.

Alex turned around to look at me with his usual raised eyebrow. The black button-up shirt made him glow and the way it layed on him made my inside melt. He put his hands on his hips and smirked, looking at me.

Soon, everyone had gone to bed and I was the only one laying on the settee, barely being able to move a muscle, and waiting for Alex to help me. I didn't want him to help, but I couldn't even crawl at that point.

"Hi," I smiled weakly as my eyes were feeling tired and I was struggling to keep them open. I'm not sure if that was the alcohol talking, but he looked particularly attractive that night standing at the end of that big staircase.

"Come on," he walked up to me and gave me his arms to help me stand up. His hands were warmer and bigger than mine, making mine sink in his. His cold pinky ring made me shiver as it touched my hand and I smirked, trying to hide my smile.

"Don't you have work tomorrow, love?" he swang my arm around him for support. His voice was deep and slow, sending a warm feeling in my chest.

"Don't call me 'love'," I complained and straightened my back, convinced I could walk on my own. Obviously, I was wrong and just ended up almost tripping.

"Woah, okay, love," he grabbed my arm before I could meet the ground, helping me stand up.

"I said, don't call me that," I rolled my eyes and tried sobering up a little as we walked to the guest room.

In Denial | Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now