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I slowly opened my eyes, immediately being faced by a sudden light hitting my face. I closed my eyes shut tightly and then opened them slowly again, trying to adjust to the light.

I turned around and found Alex sleeping peacefully next to me. His eyes were shut gently as his hair stood messily around his scalp and face. His mouth slightly parted as he quietly breathed in and out and his hands were wrapped around my waist tightly. One hand on my back and the other under my head.

I watched him in awe as his eyelids slowly fluttered open and his lips formed a lazy smile.

"Good morning," I mumbled softly as he hummed and closed his eyes again, pulling me closer.

"Mornin', love," he mumbled as his chin was resting on top of my head. "Did you sleep okay?" he asked pulling away and looking at me with a smile. 

"I did, yeah," I nodded with a smile.

"I'm glad, darlin'," he finally fully opened his eyes. I placed my palm on his right cheek and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

He pouted as I pulled away from the kiss and I rolled my eyes, kissing him again. He smiled into the kiss and his hands travelled up and down my back until they finally rested on my sides. Not breaking the kiss, he pulled me on top of him. I placed my hands on his cheeks and finally pulled away, slightly tugging on his bottom lip.

"Better?" I couldn't stop smiling as I rested my head on his chest and looked up at him.

"A lot," he nodded happily.

And eventually, we fell asleep again.


"No, Stellar!" Alex's voice woke me up as it filled in the room.

Their manager.

I shot my eyes open quickly as I got scared by the sudden noise and looked next to me. Alex's spot was empty and the sheets were already cold, so I guessed he was up for a long time.

"If you remind me one more-" he paused. "Of course I fuckin' know that!" he yelled again and I popped my head out of the covers to look at where the noise was coming from.

He was standing at the balcony with a cigarette burning in his right hand while the other held the phone angrily. His shoulders were tense and his hair was still messy.

"Listen, Stellar, you fuckin' ruined my mornin'," he lowered his voice once again, trying to control his anger. I layed back down, pretending to be asleep and felt him look over to me.

"My day had started perfectly, alreyt? I don't need your annoyin' arse to ruin it," he had lowered his voice more now and it was harder for me to hear him.

"Talk to Matt about it, mate, just leave me alone for one day. One day is all I'm fuckin' askin', eh?" I felt his eyes on me once again.

I heard his phone hit the surface of the wooden nightstand and him huff before I felt the mattress sink beside me.

"I know yer awake, darlin'," his deep voice sounded calm now. Nothing like some seconds ago. "I saw you," he shifted closer to me and balanced himself on his left elbow, looking at me from behind my right shoulder.

I kept silent, wanting to see what he'd do.

"Arabella..." he whispered deeply as his lips met my ear. "You enjoy meaningless little games, don't yer," he huffed a laugh in my ear and his mint-scented breath filled in my lungs.

"That's fine," he whispered, still against my ear. "Because I do too," he whispered again before moving his lips behind my ear and planting gentle kisses. 

He kissed down my neck and then eventually made it to my shoulders, making me gulp unintentionally. He smirked at my response and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear as his breath was still on the skin of my neck, making my heart skip a beat.

His hand slid down my body and moved around my waist. He wrapped his right arm around me and pushed me closer to him. He started kissing along my jaw once he could reach it and I hummed in response.

"Keep going," I whispered with my eyes still closed.

His hand travelled from my waist to my neck and his thumb was placed under my chin. He pushed my chin back, making my head rest back on the bedsheets as he slowly slid my body underneath him and finally managed to be on top of me.

I opened my eyes as he kept kissing the other side of my neck, making me hum in pleasure. I ran my hands through his messy hair and eventually locked them behind his neck.

My right hand held his chin and forced his lips on mine. He shifted on top of me, placing his left knee between my legs and his hands next to my shoulders to balance himself.

Our mouths kept moving in sync as our tongues met each other. I slowy pulled away, tugging on his bottom lip and watched him pout with his eyes still closed. I forced his lips onto mine again and rolled him over, now me on top. He smiled in the kiss and made our teeth collide.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," he pulled away and looked over to his phone ringing on the nightstand. "Sorry, love," he grimaced slightly and I smiled, shaking my head.

"It's okay, Alexander, it's important," I planted a quick kiss on his lips and rolled out of bed, letting him pick up the phone.

I made my way to the bathroom and left Alex talking to the phone with his manager again.

"Yes, Stellar, I'll make sure I fix that one too," he sighed in frustration and stood up from the bed. I was watching him pace around the room while I brushed my teeth.

"Well, 'course not, I'm in fuckin' Paris!" he exclaimed, almost causing me to choke on my toothpaste.

His call went on for some more minutes before it ended abruptly again by Alex hanging up on the guy and letting the phone hit his nightstand.

I was in the bathroom washing my face with water when he came in quietly. I was bent over the sink and didn't realize he came in until I felt two arms sneak behind me and around my waist. I looked up from the sink and found his big brown eyes looking at me. I grabbed a towel and wiped the water off my face.

"Mornin'," he whispered, placing his chin on my shoulder. I smirked and splashed some water left on my fingers on his face, making him shoot me an 'oi!'. He wiped it off his eyes with the back of his hand and looked back at me laughing.

"Mornin'," I copied his accent terribly and smiled at him through the mirror.

"Not even close," he chuckled, refering to my attempt and I punch his chest with the towel I was still holding.

"I'm all yours today, love," he eventually spoke after we kept eye contact for a bit. "What d'yer feel like doin'?" he smirked as his right hand moved to my hair and started playing with a single strand.

"I might know some places," I smirked back and watched him smile.

"Let's go then, darlin'," he winked and pulled me outside the bathroom by my hand.

In Denial | Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now