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Tharn was in his room really angry and frustrated....so you decided to go back to your husband Type....we had sex last night and the next day you are gone with Ed and ...let him carry you home...why did you do that ....I hate you....you broke my heart Type...I hate you...

Next morning....

Type: came to Tharn's room to call him for breakfast....Tharn everyone is calling you for breakfast...but before that can we talk...

Tharn heard the type's voice, and he didn't respond but when Type called his name, again and again, Tharn got irritated without looking at Type he shouts....get out Type just get out...

Type didn't want to create any scene so he left ...Tharn came after some time and sit beside Ed so that he don't have to see Type's face....

Ron: How are you feeling now Type ??

Ed: He is a good dad...

Kim: Type, our driver found your phone under the seat while cleaning....it is discharged...

Type: thanks mom...it was on silent mode and maybe while getting out of the car it slipped under the seat and we thought I lost it....

Tharn heard that and understand why Type didn't answer his phone but.. he is still mad that he went out with Ed and let Ed carry him and maybe he slept with him too....

Kim: What happened exactly Type...how did you got fainted ....

Tharn heard that and got shocked he gets up to get a bottle of jam which was just an excuse to change his seat and sit opposite to type...

Ed: Maybe exertion mom...we were going to the Alpine but I took type to the places where we used to go when we were kids...

Then Type went to his parents grave ...and there he cried a lot and maybe he got exhausted while crying....he lost his consciousness...and hit his head to the rock behind him....the injury is very small but the doctor said he will remain unconscious for some time...as you know how much he hates hospitals so I took him back here...

And it was late night so I didn't feel right to tell you about this....

Tharn really felt bad for shouting at Type in this condition....when Type didn't do anything....

Yes, he went with Ed but now Tharn already calmed down and he understands they were not doing romance but recollecting their childhood memories.....

Tharn really feels bad he wanted to say sorry but he was really embarrassed...

Ron: Is there something bothering you type ...you suddenly missed your parents and cried so much....

Type didn't look at Tharn for once all the time.... he still looking at his plate and said coz I felt so alone ....I missed them...I felt I have no one who understands me ....I have to explain myself every time...I wish my parents were still alive ...then I can tell them what I like what I want...and I am sure they would have understood that too.... type said this for both Tharn and Ed .. as well as for Kim and Ron...

Ron: What ?? Why did you say that...is there is something which we have done...

Type: Yes I don't want to go on any honeymoon... Now I don't care whether Ed stays here or not...I am habituated to living without him...there is nothing that can be fixed between us...and that's what I said to Ed too...

Mom: Type baby I am sorry if you think that we forced you...I am so sorry dear...but why are you saying that there is nothing between you and Ed ...you both love each other right...

Type: Maybe I loved him but now I don't love him anymore....from the last 6 months Ed has hardly talked to me...or behaved like he has any feeling left for me...

Ron: Ed...is this true...I knew it...I told you Kim that they are not behaving as husbands...

Ed: dad mom please Type is just tensed so he is saying all this...we will handle all this don't get mad at him...

Type: No Ed I want a divorce...I don't want to be in this fake relationship...yes I still see you as a friend but I don't have any romantic feelings for you....

Everyone was shocked but deep inside they can feel the tension between them...and Edward's behavior is also very predictable that he has someone in his life...still...

Ron and Kim tried to make Type understand but later said...okay If you don't want to then we won't force you...we can sense type that you really lost that love that's why you have decided that...

Ed: No mom please don't say that .... Type I swear I will forget everything ... But I can't let you go out of this house and live alone... I can't see you crying... No baby.... Please don't love me just stay here as my friend forget about divorce... But don't say this... I can't see you hurt....

Tharn Type and all others looked shocked...

Ron: Is this the reason why you were afraid of giving him a divorce... Coz I can see in your eyes that you care for Type but you don't love him romantically....but I have never said that coz I don't want to hurt type...but if you both are not in love then I guess you both should get a divorce....

Kim: and who said Type has to leave this house after your divorce...When I said I have 3 sons I meant that... I love Type more than you two...so if anyone has any issue type staying here then that person surely can leave my house....

Type looked at Kim ...Kim and Ron extended their hands and motioned Type to hug them ...Type did the same...

Ed was crying by seeing how good their family is and how wrong he thought they were ...he is happy that now Type don't have to go anywhere....

Kim: Ed...why are you crying...

Ed: Type don't have to leave this house...he don't have to live alone...he can stay here with us...my mistakes will not affect his life mom...I was really worried...

I feel that now I can breathe properly....else I was really worried ...I couldn't sleep for days thinking what will happen....Ed was shivering badly...

soon everyone was shocked seeing Ed crying really hard that he slipped and now he is on the floor....he was saying continuously...now my baby will not suffer...you deserve happiness Type and I am just a bad person...I am infected ..I am dirty....I am not pure...you deserve better....

Type: Ed....he came and hugged Ed...what happened Ed please tell me...why you are saying all this.......why you crying so much....I can see it's not what it looks like ...this is not the only thing which you were worried about...

Ed: he looked up to Type and cried...from the last 6 months he was getting worried about nothing...he couldn't control emotions which is pushed deep inside for the sake of his family Type and embarrassment.....Type.....😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Author's Note

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Love Stories

I hate my husband

I hate my Husband 2

I love you  My Doctor

In love With my Secretary

In love with my secretary 2

In love with my secretary 3

I Still Love You

My Brother's husband.

Mother of my baby.

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