"Anthenia what's wrong witchu' ? You've been looking all sad..." i questioned, she been acting hella weird since I came over and she ain't tellin' me wassup.
"It's really nothin' justice" she sighed and I kissed my teeth at the fact she thinks I was born yesterday, she knows better.
"What's wrong bt?" I asked again and she gave me a soft smile making me chuckle.
"Justice, are you really serious about me?" She questioned making me furrow my eyebrows.
"Ion' understand ma' " i chuckled.
"Like, are you taking me seriously or you playin' me justice?" she asked and I kissed my teeth at her dumbass question.
"Of course I'm serious about you, I come here all the time after you finished school just to make sure you got home safely. I come by on the weekends to make sure you ain't bored so we can do some shit you've never done before. Why would you think I ain't serious about you?" I questioned and she shrugged with a smile that instantly dropped when she was about to ask me a question making me feel hella nervous.
"What about all those other girls, why me and not them?" She questioned and I mugged her and she mugged me back.
"I dropped all my hoes. And don't ever question your place ma', if you with another nigga which will not happen because we locked in forever ... but if you were tho they would take that for a weakness ma', it makes you look vulnerable and that's something you ain't" I laughed and so did she as she nodded her head.
"Why you askin' this all of a sudden?" I questioned as I pulled her up against me, her head laying on my shoulder and he hands laying on my stomach, Caressing it.
"Lamar tried to kiss me yesterday... it was unexpected. I pulled back and he asked me if he did-"
"This a prank stink?" I asked her and she laughed and shook her head no.
"No it's not a prank Justice, I'm being deadass" she laughed and I stale faced her because that shit ain't funny cause I will really leave that nigga family grieving. Someone tell him to stop fuckin' playin' with me.
"It's not that serious Justice, this is why I didn't wanna tell you and your crazy self" she laughed and I gave her one of them white people smiles making her laugh harder.
"Im not crazy Anthenia, I'm a civilised civilian" I smiled and she kissed her teeth.
"So are you not excited for you birthday tomorrow?" She asked me and I sighed, I thought she forgot about that shit. Ion like birthdays. After ma' parents passed I ain't neva celebrated that shit.
"Ion wanna do anything tomorrow ma' , ion really be celebrating shit for it anyways" I shrugged and she kissed her teeth.
"Well tomorrow we gon' celebrate" she laughed as she pecked me on the lips but I pulled her closer cause ion' do them baby ass kisses.
"Stop Justice" she laughed as she pulled away from the kiss and I smirked at her.
"I'm just waiting for the day you gon' let me put a baby in you" I laughed and she shook her head.
"Justice" she said sternly and I laughed.
"What, I can't put a baby in you?" I asked her and she shook her head.
"No there shall not be any baby making in ma' house Justice and Anthenia. And Stop closing ma' door" her mama laughed and I burst out laughing at the fact that she heard me say that.
"Oh shi- I mean, my bad mama" I laughed and she shook her head.
"Mama your so embarrassing" Anthenia laughed as she got up from her position to close the door and he mama laughed from outside.
"Okay, but don't be doin' no grown folk business in there" mama laughed and so did we.
"Your so annoying" Anthenia laughed as she hit me in the head with a pillow and I stale faced her, I will really beat her ass.
"Stop doing that Anthenia" I laughed and she did the same as she jumped on top of me.
"I'm heavy?" She asked me and I shook my head no.
"Your perfect" I smiled and she mugged me.
"And your corny" she laughed and I mugged her.
"A nigga can't show a little love?" I asked her and she kissed her teeth.
"Aye, call Lamar right now and tell him i will beat the dog shit outta him" I said in all seriousness and Anthenia laughed.
"No justice, we ain't doin' all that" she laughed.
@cashJutice's private Story ✳️
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Okay soo....
Everybody keeps saying that if I go to New York you I'm not gon' find the LOVE OF MY LIFE?!?! Narcobarbtell them to stop playing with us🥺.
I just wanna find my nyc bae. LIKE COME HERE STINK STINK.
20+ votes and 20+ comments for a next chapter 🙄✋🏾.
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