"Anthenia, wassup with you? I feel like yo' vibe been off with me this whole week... talk to me ma wassup. You know ion' like seeing upset" justice said in a concerned tone as he rubbed my thighs, I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile making him give me a confused look before showering with kisses making me smile. I know he's being serious because he didn't calm me bt. I don't know. His ex being in town was throwing me off, he had suddenly been spending a lot of time there lately. Not saying that I want him all up under me (I do) but damn I just wanna be with my man my man my mannnnn, I just love being around him and and his skin.
"Im okay justice, honestly. I think I'm just overthinking right now" I know how much he hated when I never tell him how I feel but... I just don't want to seem like a burden. It's already been a lot these past couple weeks. I just don't want to push him away.
"yeah so wassup, Talk to me bt. You know I don't like it when you not telling me how you feel. Talk to me baby." I sighed before figuring out how I wanted to reply, I don't want him to think I'm doing too much but that's just how I feel, or maybe it's because I'm on my period ion' know.
"You need reassurance huh?" He chuckled and I smiled before looking down because I get nervous when looking at him.
"You know I got you"
"i want you and only you, been that will forever be that. You know how I feel about you. I'll kill for you anthenia, I'm really all for you." i love how romantic and hood he is. I simply nodded my head before placing a small peck on his lips and he mean mugged me making me laugh. This man and his attitude.
"why you kissing me like I'm your friend, I want your whole tongue in my mouth what the fuck?!"
"Justice" I laughed as he slowly wrapped his hand around my neck making me lean my head back a lil', pulled me in a kissed me tongue and all. this mannnnnnnnn
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(213) 𝐋𝐨𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚. CHYNA-RENEE (CHY)
"Chy since you been in town all you been doing is chilling over here shi, not saying you not welcome but damn nigga where your friends at?" Draco laughed and I mugged him before bursting into laughter too, I cut off all em' fake mfs before moving away. Bad company corrupts good character, these folks ain't good company but shi' they fun to be around. Justice always had me around them and they ended up becoming my friends too.
"she don't got no friends so we gotta deal with her annoying ass" Cartier added and I rolled my eyes.
"Mayn yall shutup, we both know y'all enjoy my company why we acting brand new?" I laughed whilst shaking my head and blowing my smoke out.
"Bruh" Cartier sighed making me look at him funny before replying with "what nigga"
"Nigga done had that blunt for ten years, you ain't ever heard of puff puff pass wtf" Cartier complained and I rolled my eyes before passing the blunt to him. "Don't snatch, ion like that" I laughed and so did Draco
"Ion like that" he mimicked and I rolled my eyes, annoying ass.
"You so annoying"
"What y'all got going on tonight" i asked both of em' , they always up to sum' and im bored shi sign me up.
"we going to a kickback, but we just waiting for justice to get up from under his lil' girlfriend. They is inseparable " draco laughed and I just simply nodded my head.
"I swear bro, You know justice has a girl right?" Cartier asked and I nodded my head as I grabbed the blunt. Ain't got shit to do with me mayn'
"Yeah" I replied.
"Cartier nigga you messy as fuck, you is one messy mother fucker." Draco laughed and i chuckled and shook my head. Again... ain't got shit to do with me.
"Aye man I'm just asking... but wait, how you know?"
"Seen em' on instagram. She cute. I'd fuck her" I shrugged and they laughed, real shi she pretty I would .
"Not you tryna take his bitch" Cartier laughed.
"Imagine yo' ex taking yo' bitch thooooo" draco added and I shook my head, mayn
"I ain't say allat' nie, I'm just saying she pretty, and y'all stop with that messy shit for real I ain't got no beef with justice. Happy for him. it really don't got shit to do with me" I shrugged before taking out my phone and scrolling on instagram, taking myself out of their conversation as they talked about things that I had zero interest in.
"where this lil kickback at?" I asked.
-At the kick back
I swayed back and forth with my cup in my hand as the music played, scanning the room and wondering if i shoudlve stayed home, but I like going to lil' shi like some times. this it ain't nun' too much. Shi' coo.
"Sorry can you please pass me the cups behind you" i heard as my thoughts were interrupted. a girl smiled and I gave a smile back before replying with "sure" and passing her the cup, she looked so familiar but I'm drunk asf and I can't put my finger on it. She shot me a confused look but still held the same smile on her face making me realise I was staring too long so now she prolly' think I'm some weirdo.
"My bad girl, you just look so famil-"
"you found some cups bt?" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked up and saw justice making my heart drop... just a lil'. It's been aged I CANT help it yall.
"Oh, wasgood chy." He said bluntly before turning to the girl and giving her a smile, she looked between the both of us squinting her eyes, I couldn't help but have an awkward look on my face, ion' like this not one bit. Get me out of here.
"I'm coo'" I simply replied before taking anyone sip from my cup, I didn't know what else to say, I just stood there awkwardly.
"I like your hair"
"Thank yo-"
"Oh I'm not talking to you" I interrupted "the colour looks good on you girl" I smiled and she checked before replying with "thanks, I like yours too" I nodded my head and walked away before the interaction could get any more awkward, I do think he hair is nice but I only complimented her to ease the situation I guess, bottom of my heart I am not checking for that man. I'm just me. I sound drunk asf huh? But you get what I'm saying.