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✰𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐄𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧✰ (213) 𝐋𝐨𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚. 2nd April 2019.
"Family of Anthenia Cerdwin?" The nurse called out making me jump straight up so I can see my baby. After I went with her mama to the warehouse and came back we've been waiting for 3 hours.
"Yes! Yes we're here!" Nyia shouted and ran towards the nurse making mama and her sister and I follow behind her.
"Calm down girl, you making my anxiety levels rise" Anthenias auntie laughed.
"She's a really strong kid, I've never seen anything like it... it's like she was never shot..." the nurse laughed as she lead us to the room but whole time I was just thinking about seeing ma' lil bt.
"Well erm, here we are. I'll be back shortly so you can fill out some forms" she said as we stopped at her room and I laughed as I saw Anthenia pretty ass eating grapes and watching our favourite movie imagine that on Netflix.
"Hey Yall!" she laughed waving with a mouthful of grapes and her mama kissed her teeth before laughing.
"Hey mama!" she laughed as her mom embraced her and bombarded her with kisses and Anthenia scrunched her face up.
"Eww you done kissed me on my lips! I'm not coming over here nomo." Anthenia laughed and so did I, she must be on that anaesthesia or sum shit.
"Hey nyia! Bestieboo" she laughed as she then embraced nyia and thats the first time I ever seen her cry, she broke down in Anthenia's arms.
"Girl stop crying, your going to make me cry" Anthenia laughed as she wiped nyia tears.
"Boy come on, standing there looking all lost and shy" she laughed and as I embraced and placed small kissed on her neck.
"I'm so glad your okay bt" I whispered to her, feeling like I was gonna cry cause If I lost her.... I would've lost myself. She's helped me grow as a person in such a small amount of time. Can't see ma' life without. I'm talking marriage and shit. I want her to be mine forever. She already is to be honest.
"Justice you crying?!" she said in a shocked tone as she held my face then wiped my tears making me laugh. I held onto her soft hands and caressed them.
"Thought you was gon' loose your life ma" i sniffled.
"I'm okay,I'm here. I'm good. We're good. It gonna be okay Justice" she reassured as she pecked me on the lips making me feel at ease. Almost feeling like a weight is off my shoulders. But that's how I feel around her all the time.
"Yall just so cute that it's annoying. I hate yall" nyia laughed.
"We'll come on now, let them have their space. Nosey ass black folks let's go!" Mama laughed as she dragged her sister and Nyia out the room making Anthenia and I laugh.
"You promise you won't scare me like that again" i laughed as I attacked her with kisses.
"Boy this ain't my fault....Sounds weird but I feel like a whole thug now that I've got shot. Shit i don't know how to act" she laughed as she raised her hospital dress to show her scar and she ended up popping' a titty.
"OWW BOY DONT GRAB IT!" She screamed before slapping my arm and I was dying of laughter.
"Next time don't show it" i laughed.
"It wasn't even on purpose" she laughed as she rolled her eyes.
"It wasn't even on purpose" i mimicked her and she kissed her teeth before bursting into laughter but she then stopped and held her stomach hyperventilating.
"ANTHEINA YOU GOO- NURSE NURSE!" I screamed, palms getting sweaty and all but I stop and stale face Anthenia when I saw her laughing at me.
"You think that shit funny bruh?" I asked her and she couldn't answer because of how hard she was laughing.
"Stop playing around with me like that ma' injured or not I'll still beat yo' ass" I shrugged and she mugged me making me mug her back.
"Boy, I'm a whole thug" she laughed as she laid down and I laughed as I shook my head.
"When I get outta here can we go to chick-fil-a ? I've been craving some of that for hours. These grapes are ass" she shrugged and I bust out laughing cause all she likes to do... eat. Everyday eat eat eat like damn.
"All the food goes to your ass huh?" I laughed and she did the debt Ryan look.
"Justice" she said all of a sudden making my heart drop to my ass, thinking if I've done anything wrong so I could make up an excuse in time.
"You think when I get back out there... they're gonna come for me again?" She asked as she played with her hands.
"They wasn't out there for you, I'm never gonna let no shit like that happen to you again. Imma be there always and forever okay?"
"But justice please promise you won't do nothing stupid" she said as she stuck her pinky out and I kissed my teeth.
"I'm being serious justice" she said sternly and I locked pinkies with her. She gon' be mad when I kill them niggas but she'll get over it.
"I know your stubborn ass gon' do some dumb shit" she laughed and I did the same before placing a small kiss on her forehead. My baby's forever. I'm glad she's alive man.
It's always update cee but never are you okay cee 🙄✋🏾.
I missed yall ratchet ass hoes 🥺.
So question of the day: what's yall pet peeves when it comes to friendships?
I hate when girls try act different around certain people like Ewwww
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