My confession...

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~kyoya's pov~

  After all the guests had left for the day, I ran downstairs to the lockers and went straight to Tamaki's locker. I took a deep breath holding my letter in my hand.

This is a bad idea... maybe I shouldn't do this... No. I have to; it's now or never...

I slid a note in his locker, keeping the letter in my hand before running to the back of the school.

Tamaki went to his locker and opened it; the note fell out of the locker. Tamaki picked it up and looked at it.

The note read: Tamaki, I need to talk to you. Come to the back of the school right when you see this; it's important -kyoya ootori.

Tamaki slipped the note into his pocket and ran to the back of the school.

I was standing there mumbling to myself, trying to figure out what to say, still holding the letter in my hand, "Tamaki... I wrote you this... No... that's weird... Tamaki, I've had feelings for you since middle school... No... damn it... what am I doing..?! Why is this so hard... I hate this..."

Tamaki came up to me "kyoya?"

I jumped, hearing his voice. "Damn it, Tamaki! I- you scared me!"

Tamaki laughed a bit "sorry sorry; you needed to talk to me?"

I nodded "yeah, I did, I- uhm... g-give me a second."

Damn it! How did he get here so fast?! I'm not prepared for this!

Tamaki nodded with a smile "yeah, take your time."

I took a deep breath "look, I don't know how to say this, but... uhm h-here..!" I gave him the letter while looking to the side out of embarrassment.

Tamaki looked at it, taking it from me "what's this?"

"J-just read it, ok?!" I continued looking away, trying my hardest not to blush at the fact that the letter I poured my heart into was in his hand.

Tamaki nodded. "I will read it when I get home, is-"

I cut him off, "No, read it now... I want to hear your answer right when you read it.."

Tamaki looked at it, "My answer..?"

I inhaled, "just read it now... you'll understand when you read it..."

He nodded and opened it; I watched him as he did so, panicking internally.

The letter read: Tamaki, this may be a surprise to you, but there's something that I've been hiding from you since we were in middle school. It might have been obvious or not, but I have had feelings for you for a long time now... I'm writing this so that I don't have to say it because if I tried to tell you out loud, I'd probably end up backing out. I don't even know how it happened; honestly, when we first met, I thought I hated you because of how stupid you were, but I guess you grew on me a little more than I expected. How? I have no idea... I always loved fixing your hair because of how soft your hair was, and I always loved looking at you because of your eyes... I guess you were right when you said you could charm anyone with your looks and personality... I just never thought I would be one of those people, but the question is... do you love me back? Or do you hate me now that you know..? I can't live with that question in my head for the rest of my life, so please... tell me...

Once Tamaki had finished reading it, he looked up at me; I was staring at my feet, blushing like hell... The fact that he was reading everything that I worked so hard to hide over the past three years was too much for me...

Tamaki pulled me to him and made me look at him, "you fell for me?"

I looked to the side slightly as I spoke, "I fell for you three years ago, moron..."

Tamaki laughed a bit, "so you lied to me?"

I looked at him, "what?"

He smiled, "so you lied to me when you said you would never fall for an idiot like me."

Tamaki had a massive grin on his face like he had won a game that he has been playing for years. My heart sank at that moment...

Does he think this is some joke?! I just poured my heart out, and this is what I get?! Damn...

I swallowed hard, "I suppose I did..."

Tamaki let go of me with the same grin still on his face, "that's what I thought!"

I inhaled slowly, "can you quit messing with me and answer the question..? Please? This has been eating me up inside for three years now... I need an answer..."

Tamaki nodded, "my answer is yes. You know I could never hate you, plus it was a little obvious because you kept zoning out while staring at me."

Damn... I didn't think he'd be smart enough to figure that out...

I nodded, "that's... true, but that doesn't tell me whether you like me back or not..."

Tamaki laughed a bit, "of course I do, kyoya. Why else would I start a club with you and refer to you as 'mommy' while referring to myself as 'daddy'? You do know that hypothetically means we're married."

My eyes widen slightly.

Did Tamaki suoh... the dumbest person I know... outsmart me?!

I inhaled, "welp, that's all I needed to know! I-I'll be going now! See you tomorrow!" I tried to run off at that moment... but he grabbed my arm before I could.

God damn it! Let me go! I don't want to be here anymore!

Tamaki pulled me to him again, "you know you can't run from this forever, right..?"

I sighed, "Yeah, I know... I find it easier to since I know even if you do like me back, our families would never approve of us..."

He laughed a bit, "who cares if they disapprove of us, kyoya? All you should care about is how you feel. Now, I want you to go home and get ready. I'll pick you up at eight, ok?"

I looked at him, "ready for what?"

Tamaki smiled, "a little date on me."

~part 11 end~

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