Chapter 7 - Is this a dream?

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Important! Please read the author's notes at the end of the chapter. 

Enjoy, loves!

Serkan POV

Eda and I will have a child!

I don't know how to describe my feelings right now. I'm trying to digest everything. How am I supposed to react? I Look at her, she seems shocked. She has not spoken a word,

"Ed—" my words hang in the air

Eda falls silently, her gaze is blank. She seems shocked.

I sigh.

"Thank you, Doc" I stand up and shake Doctor Wilson's hand. He looks surprised at her reaction, but doesn't say anything.

"Come on," I said to Eda. I pull her tiny hand. She looks at me.

"Where are we going?"

"To my house"

Indeed, I made up my mind. I didn't want to have a child before. Even I didn't have marriage in my plan. But since meeting Eda, it seems like all my life goals have changed.



I don't believe this. I am pregnant? Pregnant?

I am going to have a baby?

I mean, of course I want to have a baby. But later, when the time is right. When I'm finished college and have a good job. The I will marry the man I love, then we will have children. Not now, what about my college? My scholarship? My college just gets started.

I'm pregnant by am man I barely know. Not only that, I am pregnant because of one night stand. Argh! How can I be so stupid?

I shouldn't have gotten drunk. I shouldn't have received a drink from someone I don't know at all.

"Come on," I vaguely heard Serkan's voice, I feel his touch in my hand. I look up at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To my house"

What does it mean? To his house? This man is driving me crazy now. I don't know how I am able to walk with Serkan to his limousine. My body feels numb. It is as if I am not the one that gets into the limousine, sits down beside Serkan, and watches him close the devider that separated us and the driver in front.

Serkan looks at me.

"Eda, it's time for us to talk," Serkan said seriously.

He looks shocked. I'm sure he is strongly object the existence of the baby in my womb. Surely he has a beautiful and perfect woman who would later become his wife and give him a baby. Not an ordinary and boring woman like me.

"If you ask me for an abortion, don't expect that," I interrupted.

He looks surprised.

"I will take care the baby by myself, you don't have to worry, I wont bother you, I wont ask for your responsibility. Think of it like me and my child don't exist," I said, trying to be strong while saying those words.

Serkan looks mad. Isn't that what he wants? For me to do an abortion? No, I wont kill my own baby.

"Don't joke! I don't want you to do an abortion, Eda!" he snapped.

A warm feeling begins to crawl through my fingertips.

"I'm glad you've decided to raise the baby," Serkan said with a gentle smile.

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