Chapter 1

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Hydra being a German science organization was long ago. After the fall of Nazi-Germany, it had indigitated itself into an American liberty organization called S.H.I.L.D. where it grew to a wide underground organization, waiting for its chance to show its ugly face and destruct governments and initiate chaos. From its originally German staff were only fewer parts left. Through denazification of the country, possible employers had become rare. Therefore, more and more people from other countries were filling the lines of Hydra's army.

Even if fewer Germans willingly joined the organization, she was here; a German woman taken by Hydra seven years ago. But let us start at the beginning.

It was a nice and sunny day as she was on a run through the small city, trying to clear her head. Her feet hit the ground in a steady beat while music blasted into her ears from her headphones. Caught up in the thoughts that kept her mind busied, she missed a car pulling up next to her. A man got out, following the woman for a moment, before leaping forward, holding her close so she couldn't flee and not fight away from him. Before they reached the car with another man inside, everything went black.

She didn't know how long she had been out but as soon as she awoke, she noticed her dry throat. A clod breeze brushed over her skin, making a strand of hair fall from her ponytail. Wanting to brush it away, she lifted her hand but was stopped in her track by a pull on her wrist. Now, her eyes shot open, looking at herself. The woman's hands were bound to a plate of metal by dirty brown leather straps. Her eyes moved upwards, noticing that her entire body was placed in a metallic frame with her ankles tied up as well. Panic rose and her eyes darted around the room. She was facing a plain grey concrete wall but out of the corner of the eye, she saw that the room was wide.

Then, a door opened behind her and bright light was added to the cold dimmed glow from earlier.

Все готово?" a man asked in Russian. ("Is everything prepared?")

"Да сэр," another male voice answered blankly. ("Yes, Sir,")

"Ну тогда приступим. (Well then let's get started.)" Then, the strange thing she was cuffed to turned, relieving a huge room with different control pads and other machines. On the opposite side of the room, there was a big window, reliving a far smaller room with people in it.

"What the hell do you want?" the woman shouted, her temper getting onto her way to easy. But everyone stayed silent, doing their work. A man approached her shortly after, putting vials with a strange clear red liquid into the machine around her as she fought with gritted teeth against the leather stripes. Then, a loud voice rang out.

"Ввиду приостановления полномочий Капитана Америки мы чувствуем себя обязанными сделать еще один шаг и пересмотреть наши стратегии и наши вооруженные силы. Этой молодой женщине (возраст) лет, она в хорошей физической форме и, согласно нашим исследованиям, имеет инактивированные мутации." A bad feeling spread in her guts even though she didn't understand one bit of the things the man was saying. (Considering the suspension of Captain America, we feel compelled to go a step further and revise our strategies and our armed forces. This young woman is (age) years, in good physical condition and, according to our research, has inactivated mutations.)

"Мы включим их мутации с помощью модификации сыворотки суперсолдата и тем самым откроем начало новой эры для наших солдат," he exclaimed enthusiastic (We will activate her mutations by modifying the Super Soldier Serum, ushering in a new era for our soldiers). Pain shot through her limbs as needles penetrated her skin. Something was indicated, making her vines burn like fire that slowly spread through her entire body. A look of pain took place on her face but as everyone would scream, she remained silent, not making the slightest noise.

"К сожалению, для завершения процесса требуется высокий уровень радиации, с которым люди без сыворотки или чьи тела не приняли бы сыворотку, не смогли бы справиться. Поэтому вид трансформации будет закрыт свинцовой оболочкой. (Unfortunately, a high level of radiation is required to complete the process, which people without serum or whose bodies would not have accepted it, would not be able to cope. Therefore, the view of the transformation will be covered by a lead sleeve.)" As soon as the sentence ended, parts of dark metal shield her from everyone's sight.

The lack of visual input was replaced by a high-pitched scream but then, out of nowhere, it stopped. A man with long brown hair entered through the door from the auditorium walked up to the machine and ordered to open it. As the metal removed itself, a limp body hung in the frame.

"Она мертва?" one of the men from above asked. (Is she dead?)

"Нет, (No)" the man answered, placing one of his hands in her neck, feeling a pulse. Two other men opened her fetters. Her unconscious frame slumped to the ground but was cradled in the brunette's arms before she could hit the ground.

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