Chapter 18

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Music played as the party was about to start. A huge cake stood there; red crème and sugar stars decorating the white topping and a golden 110 sat in the middle. Bucky stood in the middle of his friends as Tony hopped onto a chair next to Steve to hit a fork carefully against his glass. The ringing caught everyone's attention.

"Thank you for your attention," he started.

"As you may know, the oldest member of our team was born today 110 years ago and to celebrate that he is still in the physical shape of a 30 years old – which I'm more than jealous about – we are gathered here today. And before I talk too much again, I want to bring out this toast," Tony rose his glass and so did everyone else.

"Happy birthday James Buchanan Bucky Barnes." Everyone cheered and took a sip of their drinks. A while later – and a few slices of cake – Bucky was able to breathe again. Everyone had congratulated him but one person missed: his Angel. He was so excited to see her and jet, it seemed like she didn't show up.

Just as he wanted to give up hope, a soft but small voice spoke.

"Does the birthday boy have a moment?" Winter swirled around and was met with a pair of bright eyes. His breath caught in his throat as he took in her features. In front of him, there stood a beautiful woman in a deep red dress. It was tight till it reached her hips and then bounced in slight waves down her legs. The back was cut out deep, nearly till the end of her spine. A natural make-up complimented her face which was framed by soft curls.

For a moment, the soldier was speechless.

"Y-you look- look..." he was out of words. The woman stoked a strand out of her face nervously.

"You look breathtaking, doll," he finally voiced, making her blush even more.

"Thank you but you don't look that bad yourself," she complimented. He stared a moment longer till he finally broke out of his daze.

"Would you dance with me?" he asked, extending his hand to her. She looked up into his eyes and Bucky nearly lost it. The way the light reflected in her orbs made his heart race.

"I'd gladly accept," she answered and placed her hand in his. Together they went to the dance floor and everyone watched as they danced, not noticing the eyes of everyone, only focused on the other.

Winter's arm was wrapped around her waist as his other hand held hers, keeping her close to him.

"You know that it is hard to not get jealous when you walk around that beautiful, knowing that I was probably the last one to see you in that dress," he stated after some time.

"Well, it also was not easy keeping calm; knowing that so many beautiful women were here tonight and hearing that Nat would eat you alive for your looks alone if she would be able to," she chuckled, causing a smile onto the man's face.

"That is the black widow but I take it as a compliment," he agreed, directing his eyes downwards for a second before looking up at her again. As his eyes met hers, he couldn't help but stare but she didn't seem to mind since hers stayed fixed on his as well. After a few moments, her eyes flickered downwards and back up and a new emotion swirled in them.

The two felt the change in atmosphere and went with it easily. Bucky's eyes flickered down as well, landing on her lips for a moment before returning to hers. Then, they leaned in slowly till finally after an eternity; their lips met, sending fireworks through their bodies.

Everything was silent as the pair shared a soft kiss till a voice cut through the room, catching everyone's attention.

"Finally!" Clint yelled, his hands flying into the air in victory.

"What do you mean Clint?" Natasha asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"They finally kissed!" he exclaimed. But still, everyone was confused.

"They were never a thing till now," he stated blankly, making eyes blow wide.

"You two weren't a couple all this time?" Steve asked, his eyes nearly falling out and his jaw on the floor. The woman in Bucky's arms blushed a deep red and the brunette shook his head sheepishly.

After a moment, loud laughter erupted and the tension vanished into joy. The pair looked at each other again and soon shared another sweet kiss to show how much they caressed each other.

In the end, she may was everyone's Angle but he was her one and only Winter.

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