Chapter 10

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The two had found a small motel near the edge of the city. No one had asked anything and therefore they were grateful. They had settled into the small room and reality hit them. They were finally free but now a big question formed without being spoken out. What were they supposed to do now?

"He knew me," Barnes stated suddenly. The woman had faced the other way around as they were laying in bed. Her frame turned and she faced the man next to her.


"The man, he knew me. He called me Bucky and I have the feeling that I knew him as well..." he trailed off, a frown on his face.

"Winter... I have to tell you something," she stated, her eyes darting downwards.

"What?" the brunette asked, propping himself up on her elbow. She took a deep breath before looking up at him and speaking.

"You know... I had access to different files and the internet. Before we left with Loki, I looked up some things that were not published as S.H.I.L.D. and Hydra files were uploaded. I came across your file and I couldn't help it to look into it. It was the full Winter-Soldier file and I can't stand the thought that I know more about you than you do yourself." Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. You were born on the 10th of March 1917 in Brooklyn. Your best childhood friend was Steven Grant Rogers, short Steve, who you saved on a regular basis from getting beaten up. He always called you Bucky and as you joined the military, he wanted to do it as well." You stopped, awaiting a reaction but the brunette remained without any facial expression.

"Winter... The reason, that the man knew you, was because he is your childhood friend. He is the small boy you told me about late at night." Now, Winter paled, his eyes darting towards the sheets. For a moment or two, the neighbors and their own breaths were the only sounds that late at night.

"You mean... You really think... You really want to say that- em- I'm the best friend of Captain America? That I'm now nearly 100 years old?" James asked, gazing up at her. A thin hand lowered itself upon his shoulder.

"I know that is a lot to take in and you'll need to take your time but I guarantee you, I'll be there for you whenever you need me," she said, smiling at him softly. The brunette wrapped his arms around the woman holding her close.

"Thank you," he mumbled into her top. Fingers ran through long brown locks to calm him down. After some time, she untangled herself from his embrace, just enough to look at him.

"In your file, there was something I could take with me without anyone noticing." The woman stated, tilting her hair together behind her head. Her fingers picked her necklace from her skin and it was not until now, that he noticed that she wore two dog tags instead of the usual one.

"Those were in your file and I suppose that you would want them." While she spoke, she pulled two metallic plates from her top and lifted the coarsely limbed band over her head. The warm material ran over his skin and the plates clinked in his cold twinkling hand.

"Barnes, James; Buchanan; 10/3/1917; height: 5'9"; Brooklyn, NY" he read out loud, his blue-grey eyes fixed onto the relief.

A small smile appeared on his plump, pale lips, causing her to smile as well. His eyes darted upwards, locking with the woman's.

"Thank you, doll," he mumbled, pulling her close again.

"Not for this, Winter. It was just the right thing to do," she hummed, holding him close as well.

Not long after, they fell asleep, her back pressed against his chest and the warmth creeping into the cold and ruthless metal of his arm, resting on her waist.

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